8|Here comes trouble

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It was the first time I'd ever walked down the school hallway holding hands with a boy. It felt strange the way he wrapped his hands around mine as we walked side by side to my next class. While he walked gracefully-red carpet style-I struggled to move one foot before the other without wiggling like an egret about to lay an egg.

Pablo loved being the center of attention, stopping to say 'hi' to people, while I stood there, bait for the desperate bitches who had put extra effort into their looks, hiking their skirts above their thighs and throwing sultry smiles at him.

So far, I'd received a couple of glares along with a few surprised stares. Even Layla Gorman did a double take when she saw us. She stared so hard I'd expected her to take a quick pic on her phone to send to Tiffany.

At one point I tried to let go of Pablo's hand because mine was starting to feel sweaty, but he tightened his grip. "Your hand is too hot," I lied.

Through clenched teeth, he said, "No it isn't, you're only looking for an excuse to unlock hands."

We walked to the front doors of the gym where I pulled my hands out of his.

"Why are you in such a hurry to pull away? Are you that ashamed of being seen with me?" he asked, a playful grin on his face and emotion I couldn't place hiding beneath his smile.

"Ashamed is not the word," I answered, staring into the swirling pool of gold and green he used as eyes and trying not to get lost in them for the third time today.

"Then what is it?" his left brow towered above the other "As far as I know, hardly any girl resists this amount of awesomeness." he motioned at his body.

For some reason, I felt angry he was right. He did have a killer bod and looks that could compete with the likes of Chris Hemsworth.

"This has nothing to do with you."

"You sure?" he cocked his head to the side, staring at me with disbelieving eyes

"Yes." I rolled mine at him. Two could play this game, Pablo...

"Well then, see ya later Mamacita," he waved his fingers, giving me that cocky smile of his and sauntering off in the opposite direction.

I breathed out, glad that had ended quickly.

Staying around Pablo required a lot of energy and strong will. I had to constantly stop my mind from getting lost in thoughts that involved feeling those lush and soft lips of his on mine. That was a difficult thing to do since; he licked and bit his lips with every two or three sentences he made.

For now, I was not sure how I felt about having to look after him for the rest of this semester as Principal Darian had suggested. My emotions ranged between excitement and fear.

I was excited about spending time with a world-famous actor who I would have never dreamt of meeting anytime soon in my life, but terrified with how my body responded to his simplest gestures.

I was terrified by the flutter in my belly when he called me Mamacita, the slight hitch in my breath when he tilted his head and grinned at me or the skip of my heartbeat when our hands collided. I feared they could grow into something more. After all, every best-selling young adult novel I'd read until now told me that was possible.

Pushing my way into the gym, I let all thoughts about Pablo disappear. I had barely known him for a complete day but yet, thoughts about him had crowded my head most of the day. If I was going to keep seeing him, this had got to stop.

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