19|Karma's a bitch

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Turns out, discovering what it was the Senior Royals wanted from me was going to take a while longer than I'd anticipated.

After they'd pulled me away from our lunch table, we swerved through the front doors and beelined to the cafeteria where they bought themselves cups of fat-free lattes and an almond-chocolate milkshake for me.

I trailed behind the bouncy red curls of Jamie and we made our way toward the table right next to a bunch of Junior Royals as students parted the way for us.

I smiled.

I was on my way to having lunch at the High table; the table only the Senior Royals and invited could sit at.

Just like I'd expected, every single Junior Royal, plus a few other wannabes stared at me like I had a tail attached to my butt the second we settled down. They were all probably wondering how less than a week into a new school year, I'd managed to claim a spot amongst the most popular and powerful clique in Elm Valley.

I shivered under their gaze, but trust me, I wasn't about to let them in on my secret back pass.

At the table used mostly by the school's top volleyball players, Tiffany glared daggers and arrows at me from her spot on Ashton's lap. I rolled my eyes at her and stuck out my tongue.

Childish...yes, I'm aware. But it was the best I could come up with on the spot.

"Hey Ash, how's the project work going?" I snapped my head to the side.

My ex-best friend had magically appeared at our table, smiling a bit too sweet with her irritating talk-through-nose voice.

"It's going great Kylie!" Ashley gushed, smiling brightly back at her. "But I do have a few areas I'm not so sure of. Maybe you could take a look at them?"

"Yeah, let me see." Kylie flipped her straight brunette hair over her shoulder eagerly, about to shimmy her way into our table.

For some reason, I felt she wasn't comfortable seeing my seat at the High table and wanted to rub it in my face that she was also welcomed to sit here. Just in case I was starting to feel superior to her.

"There's not enough space for five, Ryder," Bianca stated with a clipped tone.

Translation: Move your ass away because you're not invited here.

I grinned broadly at Bianca, mostly because she'd managed to squash Kylie's plans in one breath.

Kylie stood with her jaws hanging down so low; I feared they'd touch the floor.

It was so obvious what Bianca was doing that even Ashley couldn't hide her look of pity. Because think about it...there was no way a table where all the Senior Royals had lunch couldn't hold five of us with room to spare.

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