1| Soulmates and cookies

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I found it hard to believe that the long summer break was over.

Closing my eyes dreamily and inhaling a large amount of air, I released a sigh. It still felt like it was just yesterday when Alice and I had been making our summer to-do list in her garage.

I pulled the curtains hanging over my bedroom window to the side, letting the early morning sun rays flood the room as a gentle breeze carried the songs of the twittering blue jays on its back.

The beginning of positive changes in my life was just around the corner, and the sensation of change was so palpable that I could taste it in the air.

Spinning around, I released a drowsy groan as my eyes soaked in the tornado-wrecked place I'd dubbed my bedroom.

A few minutes from now, my best friend Alice would walk in here so we could go to the Swankville fair together, and I was not ready to waste the last day I had to spend time with her listening to her complain about how much of a lazy sloth I was.

After twisting my hair into a messy bun, I stood with my legs apart, hands on my hips and shoulders puffed out, drawing out the energy needed to clean up my messy habitat from my inner spirit.

Trust me when I say this, that was not an easy thing to do. Especially when your inner spirit was a mix of a tiger and a koala—like mine; you'd spend half your life being a soft and sleepy marsupial and the other half being a strong, but still sleepy cat.

My bed looked worse than a nest, a couple of books had fallen off my study table and were scattered on the floor, while my clothes formed a textile mountain on the hamper. I know should've washed those yesterday, but you know the old saying; procrastination is a bitch.

After stacking my books into a neat pile on my study table, I grabbed my hamper of clothes and trudged downstairs to see if I could get them in the washer-dryer before Alice arrived.

Just when I was pulling the last of my clothes out of the dryer, I heard someone walk into the laundry room.

"Look who's decided to kill her inner sloth," a chirpy voice said.

I rolled my eyes at the comment. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, but when I did, I stared at Alice with the most energetic look I could muster. "Good morning, Tinker Bell," I greeted.

Alice was a spicy mix of Jalapeños and Indian chillies smokin’. Somehow, she managed to combine a sort of innocent, yet smokin’ hot vibe together and roll just fine with it. Think Reese Witherspoon combined with Jennifer Lopez and you’ve got Alice. From her straight, mid-back length blonde hair that I envied sometimes, to her cute little face. Sometimes, I found it difficult to believe we were both of the same age because compared to her; I resembled a crooked scarecrow carrying a mass of cotton on its chest and dangling this way and that way with the breeze.

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