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I had no idea what was going on. One minute I was staring at a mad enough to blow a fuse Jake and the next minute he allows me rest my head on his broad chest and sob like it's the most normal thing in the world.

I was shocked, trying to wrap my head around his change in attitude when Jake suddenly crashed his lips against mine, whooshing the air right out my lungs and rendering me speechless.

In that moment, I finally understood that scene in The Kissing Booth where Elle Evans was un-blindfolded and discovered that the guy who'd just kissed her was Noah Flynn, "the hottest guy to grace the earth" and the guy she was crushing madly on. There was only reason why she couldn't care less about kissing him in front of the entire school. And that reason is that, there is no single human in the galaxy capable of thinking straight when they've just had their first kiss. I guarantee you. The feeling that overtakes you when the kiss happens feels like a rush of adrenalin mixed with a fair amount of the over suppressed hormones in your system. By some bizarre magic, you find yourself kissing back.

Like Elle, I tried not to care that we were standing right in front of a crowd that could easily be the entire student body of Elm Valley High, not to think about the chaotic events that would no doubt unwind after this kiss ended and I leaned into Jake, as he pulled me deeper into him, holding tightly on the small of my waist. His hands dug into my hair and drove me completely nuts as our tongues tangoed.

We'd deal with the chaos later, when it came.

"Okay, get to class!" a stern voice boomed, breaking whatever spell that had held Jake and I together.

Vice Principal Gwen pushed through the circle of spectators, her brows knitted together as a thunder storm raged in her eyes.

"I mean it!" she yelled "Detention for whoever's still left here by the time the bell goes off." As if on cue, the school's bell system rings, reverberating through the halls and in a blink of an eye, the audience melted away before she even got a chance to utter another word with only Jake, Pablo and I left.

"Ah, Mr. Hardy, do we perhaps have an issue here?" her badly arched brows lifted.

"Not at all, Miss Gwen. We were just on our way to class" Jake said, pushing me off him like I had caught some viral disease and staying next to me any second longer would kill him before strutting off.

My eyeballs struggled to remain in their sockets as I stared at Jake while he walked away like he'd suddenly suffered from amnesia and forgotten he'd started the totally unplanned, but really good kiss in the first place. Gosh, what the hell has gotten into me?

Miss Gwen turned her glower on Pablo, her eyes scrutinizing him. She seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that he was the one who started the trouble. Pablo nervously scratched his chin, unaware that his bad boy reputation was a factor in Miss Gwen's assessment of the incident.

"Mr. Dykes, I highly advise that you refrain from starting any more fights now you're in our school" the look on Pablo's face showed he wasn't expecting her to say that.

"Fighting is against rule number eight of our school's rule book. You might want to remember that", Miss Gwen added, the superior look on her face and laced in her tone.

Clenching his jaw, Pablo said, "I will, Principal Gwen. I promise, I'm not going to be starting any fights now that I'm here", he lowered his voice, staring in the direction Jake had just left "but I'll definitely end some"

"I sure hope you keep to your word." Miss Gwen smiled at him in approval. "Well then, on to class. You too, Miss. Davies."

Pablo nodded, pulling me by my wrists along with him toward the math hallway.

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