6|Sassy Sasquatch

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Mystery guy was crowding my space, but I didn't move. His closeness was making my chest so tight that I could barely breathe, but I ignored the feeling and stared into his emerald green eyes. They were sharp, at once looking like they wanted to rip me apart and devour me.

I was not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but seeing the intensity in his eyes made me lose count of time. The hairs on my skin stood on end like they were trying to get any closer to him than we already were. I caught his scent, and it was all my brain could register. Sharp and smoky, with a hint of mint underneath.

"Could you move out of the way?" I said, shaking my head to clear it of this lucid dream.

"I need to get to class. . ."

"I bet you a ton of girls would be dying to be right where you are now, Mamacita." He inched closer, and I felt his breath, hot against my spine.

Slowly, his mouth crept into a smile and I found my heart racing a bit faster. He was so close, our lips were almost touching.

"But if you insist. . ." he backed away slowly but it felt like he was holding himself from trapping me again.

He smirked, "Nice meeting you, Mamacita." His smooth and thermal voice was interrupted when the five minutes warning bell reverberated through the halls, breaking the spell his eyes had cast on me.

Without uttering a word, I lifted my backpack higher up my shoulders and walked away, but I could feel his eyes boring a hole through my back.

"By the way, I'm Pablo."

I spun around with lightening speed, but he was already walking away in the opposite direction. Twisting my eyebrows into a confused knot, I let my brain go through the tasking process of over-analysing. If I had heard correctly, he had confirmed that his name was Pablo. As in Jonah Dykes Pablo, the celebrity bad boy from Hollywood.

But why in the world would he chose to attend the same public school Jake Hardy did?

From the little info I'd gathered from tabloids here and there, they both didn't get along well. It majorly had something to do with the fact that Jonah had almost taken the lead role of Defying Gravity, their biggest movie yet—and Brynn's all time Jake Hardy favourite—away from Jake. Plus a few other scandals involving doting fangirls who went around social media comparing their acting skills during the period the show was aired.

Come to think of it, why would stars like them choose to attend a public school here in Florida rather than some classy rich kids private school somewhere next to the Hollywood action in California? Or better still, be homeschooled and save themselves the stress and horror of all this madness and chaos.

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