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There she stood.

Her honey brown orbs burned right through my eyes. The fear she had felt when she walked into the office had been replaced by anger.

Anger directed at me for being present. I could sense her guard was up.

She stood next to where I sat, but was way beyond my reach. A part of me longed to pull her over to me and wrap my arms tightly around her. I understood her better than she'd ever imagine because we were birds of one breed.

"Good morning sir," she greeted, voice chirpy. Tilting her head in my direction, she gave me a curt nod that meant: hey, I can see you. Don't wanna talk to you.

She was being feisty, and fiesty was just what I loved in girls. It was what sparkled my interest in her. I had no way to explain that I had only seen her once and picked interest in her.

After hearing so much about her, I finally got the chance to meet her.

She probably hadn't figured out I was the guy she'd shoved out of the way to get into that photo booth on Saturday. But never mind that, boy was I glad she and her train wrecking friend showed up. She saved me from wasting five minutes of my existence trapped in a photo booth with Jake Hardy- that asshole. I owed her a solid for that one.

I could tell he'd done something to annoy the shit out of her when they stepped out of the booth and she yelled at him. This girl was so bold, she dared flip a mainstream celeb like him a bird. That, was the highlight of my day.

"Hello, Lucie," I said with a smirk, trying to get a reaction out of her.

Sure enough, I got one.

She glanced at me over her shoulders and rolled her eyes. It took her an extra second, but I could see the surprise that tainted he face when she realised I'd referred to her by her middle name. Don't worry mama, I chuckled to myself, I know a whole lot of things about you.

She looked over at me again, a murderous glare ebbed in her eyes.

I struggled to stifle a chuckle since I was in the presence of an elder, but I couldn't ignore the fact that this girl was perfect. She was hot and badass. Another good reason for me to stay with my mom and her new husband in this godforsaken town.

A lump formed in the back of my throat whenever I thought about my other reason. Life was never fair. Here I was, nominated best bad boy actor of the year by my peers and fans, and my little sister was stuck in a body that couldn't even allow her to speak or do anything normal. As my Abuela would say, no puedes tenerlo todo- you can't have it all.

"Mr Dykes..." Principal Darian tipped his chin in my direction, finally ready to speak. "Miss Davies, have a seat". I smiled weakly at him and watched Alina swiftly plop into the leather seat next to me.

I knew I'd be called into the principal's office at some point while I was here, but I didn't expect it to be on my first day of school. I heard Principal Darian was a sucker for rules and hated rule breakers just as much as zebra hated lions. My bad boy reputation must be the reason why my ass is sitting here, pulled out of biology class, so Darian can puff up his chest and rumble on about the rules of his prestigious high school.

But I wonder why he called Alina up here as well.

Did he maybe see us getting too close on one of his many surveillance cameras and feel the need to warn us against breaking the school's rule on PDA? I doubt that could be it though.

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