Chapter 16: So Quiet That I Hate This Sound

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A/N I apologize for how bad this will be by the time I'm finished writing this, it's 8 pm and I'm tired, stressed and depressed. But I still decided to do a chapter for you guys since I'm generous.


                                                              chapter title comes from the song 'I'll Take You

                                                                            There' by Sleeping with Sirens.


It's nearly four AM by the time I reach my house. As soon as I enter, something fluffy jumps onto my frozen feet, I looked down seeing Dragon's innocent face looking up at me, her bright blue eyes gazing right into mine. I glance into her food bowl seeing that it's full. 'You haven't been eating, have you?' My question ended with a sigh and a little sniffle followed by it. I kick close my door while throwing my house keys onto the coffee table nearby. I jump up the stairs with Dragon's tiny paws trotting behind me like a starving, lost puppy following any person with a food smell. Entering my bedroom, I felt a chill run down my spine giving me a lonely sensation... it's so quiet that I'm slowly starting to hate this sound. Dragons leaps onto my bed and stares at me with an exhausted meow coming a bit later after that; I softly pat her head and change into something more comfortable to sleep in (a random shirt I found laying around and just some light pink pyjama bottoms). I jump right into bed with Dragon curled up into a ball on my stomach. My lips nearly flip into a smile, but soon later droop back down... then my sleep begins.

~ Two Hours Later ~

Before I could even finish sleeping, a loud screeching sound screams outside my window, then soon later followed by a sound of sirens from a police car. I get up in anger and  stomp towards my window to only see flashes and flashes of French flag colours instantly blinding my eyes. I quickly slam the cuirtans together and run downstairs not caring that I'll probably freeze my ass off. The front door gave out a yell when I pushed them open, then I sprinted towards the scene. All I could see was different shadowey figures surrounding the bright colours; then I heard a voice I would never forget. 'Fucking police! Let me go!' The voice started screaming and screaming until, I think, his voice couldn't carry on. I push through the crowd with 'Excuse me' and 'Sorry' escaping my mouth whenever I thought I stepped on someones foot, but they didn't seem to notice. My head peeked out behind from a tall ladies shoulder and recognised the face almost instantly. Just the red bloches on his face camouflaged the details perfectly, I even had to squint my eyes to see properly. I felt my eyes water up, so I ran back straight into my house and tried to forget what I just saw. What the fuck did he do now?! I scream and throw the closest lamp to me at the biege wall making a medium sized hole transform there. The lamp exploded in what looked like in slow-motion and into tiny pieces sending some onto my arms.

'OW! Motherfucking glass!' I screech and glare at the pieces laying on the carpet. I spot Dragon galloping downstairs with her eyes wide. She sits down cutely in front of me and I see her looking up and down at my arm, I stare at it for at least five seconds to only realise that I'm bleeding like crazy! My eyes widen and I run to the kitchen sink and instantly turn the water on. I put my arm underneath the warm water. I wince whenever the water floats a little too much into the cuts. Hoping it has stopped, I paused the water and grabbed a cloth from the silver rack hanging above the cabinet full of frying pans. I lightly rubbed the cloth against the cuts and noticed that it indeed stopped bleeding. I blow a sigh of relief and look at the annoyingly ticking clock. It's nearly seven in the morning. Not being bothered to go back to sleep, I sit at the window seat that is in my bedroom and stare at the police cars that are peacefully sitting there with no sirens shrieking or lights blinding anyone who dares to walk by. I push my head towards the window until I couldn't push it no more. Suddenly, the clouds turned clear white and they cleared the way for the golden sunshine that was straight looking at me, I put my cold, pale fingers over my eyes to block out the beams that were frightening my eyes. It soon became ten o'clock when boys and girls started to pile outside their houses with a bunch of friends. Soon enough, a girl that looked a lot like me was sitting on a bench reading a book... she didn't look up whenever someone approached her. She looked very, very young and was wearing a black summer dress with some white tights and I spotted some black converses chilling on her feet. I soon saw that her hairstyle was the exact same as mine every day. I was utterly shocked and bewildered to see someone so young act like me and even... look like me. While still looking at the little girl, I noticed that her eyes never showed happiness, and she never even smiled like most children outside were. I sighed and a hot, quick tear rolled down my cheek.

Once again, I felt alone and everything went quiet again.

                                                                         then I soon hated this sound, again.


i'm trying to think of Rachel's little twin name... Roselle? Violet? Bella? I don't fucking know o-o

And if you haven't already, I recommend you to listen to the song in the media. c:

It's a really good song, I promiseeee


Okay, what am I doing...?

I'm singing, that's what I'm doing.

And then tell me what you thought of the song in the comment section... or just PM me ^-^

Btw, what's your favourite fanfiction that's really famous and isn't really about a celebrity or a YouTuber?

Mine definitely has to be either: My Wattpad Love, The Cell-Phone Swap, Being The Bad Boy's Victim, Riley's Tale About The Opposite Gender or Brave, Bold, Belle.

Damn, I read fanfiction's quite often o.o


Imma go rave with magical whales and then eat a chocolate cake.

Buhbai! *salutes*

i'm still tired lmao and now its 9:19 PM... so this chapter took me an hour and 19 minutes (79 minutes in total)


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