Chapter 20: Happy Moments

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'You did what?!' My boss, Cameron,  yells into my face, his hands colliding with the desk he was leaning over. It took me practically an hour to explain what I've did an hour ago. 'I-I let her... go...' I whisper, not daring to look into his angry eyes. I may seem like a coward, but he's dangerous when angry, you should see how all my co-workers instantly move to the side when they see a fierce Cameron. He sighs, not attacking me. Relief washes over me and I stand up, straight away exiting the room I just was in. 

Even though I was nearly a mile away from the door, I could hear an ear-deafining scream and then, I assume, a fist hitting the wall. My eyes widen and I soon found myself sprinting back to the door seeing a petite woman laying on the floor, curled in a ball and Cameron standing by the wall that just got broke. Blood was all on his hands. 'D-David! You need to run!' The woman screams, not moving. I tell her to come with me; she shakes her head in deny and then shooes me away. Not risking any chances, I run off trying to look for help.

~ Few Days Later ~


Zach and I were sitting on the sofa, casually watching The Walking Dead on television. 'Rachel! I have something spectacular planned!' He suddenly exclaims, I notice a twinkle in his eyes when he said "Spectacular". I found it pretty funny. 'Oh, what is it?' I ask, barely paying attention to him anymore and then focusing on the screen. Soon, the screen turned black and I could see Zach holding the remote in his hand, signifying that he turned it off. Seems like he really wants me to listen to what he has to say.

'We're going camping, you and I.' He starts, his voice all husky. 'In Wales.' His face lights up when seeing my reaction. I couldn't help but leap onto Zach, giving him a big, bear hug. 'Oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!' I yell, saying each word very quickly. 'How did you get money for this!?' I exclaim, staring straight into his daydreamy, blue eyes. His only response was: 'Magic.' Followed by a wink. I give out a sigh and cross my arms like a little kid that was told that they're not allowed candy. Zach thinks I am a little girl, so he ruffles up my perfectly done hair. Then, planting a kiss on my lips that were stuck out in a pout. I try my best to keep in a giggle and then I pull him closer, the kiss deepening. Suddenly, both our weight drops and I end up falling on my back onto the sofa, Zach falling ontop of me, still not breaking the little make-out session. His tongue makes contact and licks my lips for enterance. I open my mouth a bit more wider and then I felt his tongue slide in. My hands travel up to his shirt, pulling it off instantly. Zach's hands move up to my waist and do the same actions as David did... Panicking, I push Zach off of me, giving him an apologetic look. 'S-sorry, just had a little... flashback...' My voice trails off and Zach gives me a nod, understanding. His warmth fills my body when he gives me a hug. It felt like home, in his arms. We were just laying there, peacefully, not saying a single word to each other.

'Hey, when are we going camping?' I ask, looking up at him, seeing that he was staring at me as well. 'In three weeks,' he whispers to me. Then, his eyes fully closed and light snores escaped his mouth. Shaking my head, I cuddle in closer to him and instantly fell asleep.

~ In The Morning ~

Not feeling Zach's warmness anymore, I wake up seeing a light red blanket covering my arms and legs. The smell of bacon filled my nostrils. I pulled the blanket off of me and walked into the kitchen. 'Goodmorning.' He smiles, still concertrating on the bacon in the frying pan. 'I never knew you cook.' I state, leaning against the doorframe. 'Now you do.' He looks up at me, still grinning. As soon as he saw my face, he tried his best to not burst out laughing. Raising my eyebrow, I shuffle into the bathroom seeing that I had a drawn on moustache on the top of my lips, and a unibrow to match the hideous look. Hopefully he hasn't used permanent marker, otherwise he'd be dead.

I flick the water tap on, the water gushed out like a never-ending waterfall. I scooped up some water, washing my face with the spare soap that was sitting on the granite counter top. My hair was a huge birds nest this morning, I throw it up in a neat, curly ponytail and then walk out, holding a marker in my hand. When I entered the kitchen, I quickly shoved it in my jean pocket. Zach raised an eyebrow at me, laying delicious, crunchy bacon onto the plate that was giving a reflection of the light. 'I have a feeling that you're up to something.' He says, handing me a platefull of bacon. I give him a playful glare and then sit down, digging in straight away like a pig I am. I moan at how good the food is. 'You need to cook more!' I happily yap out, with bacon still in my mouth. He laughs obnoxiously and then carries on eating.

 When we were done eating, I pull out my phone and press onto Katelynne's contact.

hey, can we meet up somewhere?

'Who are you texting?' Zach asks. I just shake my head at him, still waiting for a reply. Soon enough, my phone buzzes and I instantly open up the message.

sure, is Starbucks good?

yeah! i'll see you there, in a few minutes?

yeah :)

'I have a meetup with a friend, I'll see you later.' I give him a peck on the cheek and sprint upstairs. Oh how I missed Kate! I slammed my drawers open and picked out some casual clothing, because I'm meeting up with someone I haven't seen in many years. Finally, I walk away from my dresser and get changed in less than five seconds. The mirror that used to be hanging on the wall was now on the floor, I don't know how that happened, seriously. Sighing, I walk into the bathroom to look in that mirror instead. My outfit was just a light grey shirt that had some French words written in black, some jean high waisted shorts and just original combat boots. Today, my hair looked really curly and simple; I kept it the same. Satisfied, I walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs trying to be careful with the untied laces. 'Oh, Rachel,' Zach says in an amused tone. 'You have to tie your laces.' I glance up at him, blushing. 'I'm not bothered.' I simply say and walk out the door, on my way to meet someone special.

i don't like myself.

today's the day where i'll update every ongoing story on wattpad.

i have failed you guys *sits in corner in shame*

i was watching a really cute romantic film and i kept 'awwing' every moment i found adorable :C


im gonna go before i scare you away



who listened to Better Off Dead?

I did cx 

its amazing omg

if i ever get to meet Kellin again, I'm bringing Jesse with me

because Jesse was bae in the band 


im tackling Kellin and giving him my biggest fucking hug I could manage





imma go~

buhbai *salutes*


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