Chapter 21: Hugs

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I didn't have to start looking for Katelynn, since her bright ginger hair was a bright beacon in the darkness of brunettes and blondes. I felt my legs dying to reach to Katelynn, but decided to slow down since I don't want to look so eager, When I finally reach Kate, she stares at me, an awkward expression drawn all over her face. 'Kate?' I softly say. Her face softens, as if remembering my horrible voice that she none-stop heard when we were little. Looking into her eyes, I spotted that they were glossy. Soon enough, she grabs my stiff shoulders, pulling me into a hug. She was at least two inches taller than me, and she always was, so my face was at least into her pointy chin. 'Oh, how I missed you!' She mumbles into my hair and gives me a bright smile.

To her disappointment, I didn't smile back. 'Aren't you happy to see me?' Katelynn stares at me, her expression showing hurt. My eyes widened in shock, of course I am! 'I-I am... it's just that...' My voice trails off as she looks at me, awkwardly putting weight on her left foot, then right. 'I don't smile, ever.' Her mouth forms an 'o' and then grabs my arm, dragging me to a table for two. 

Just now, I noticed what she was wearing. Her arms were covered with a light grey sweater, some normal denim jeans and simple black converse. Katelynn's hair was cutely spread out on her shoulders, swaying in sync by the wind from the window that was open nearby. Sadly, her skin tone was much paler than before, even she was skinnier than I've ever seen. You can even see her collar bone all the way from like one-hundred feet.

'Oh tell me why!' She slightly yells, causing an old man look our way, giving us a disapproving look, then turns around again. 'After my mother died, I felt so numb, I blocked out everyone.' I start, looking at Katelynn, tears daring to spill onto the table. Her face was covered with sympathy, 'I never knew.' She mutters, gawking at the floor. I quickly nod at her, carrying on: 'I even blocked you out, deleted your phone number...' I sigh, 'I even tried killing myself, but my dad caught me.' Her head snaps up, looking at me with her face even paler and her eyes wider. 'A few days later, my dad started drinking, making us have no more money for food or anything, luckily for me, I had enough money to move into a small house.' She nods at me to carry on. 'I got a job at a joint and even met a guy... he's a sweetheart, very loyal and doesn't seem like he would cheat on me. But, you never know, right?'

Like as I didn't say anything, Katelynn instantly starts yapping at me with questions. 'Did he make a move?!' She yells, causing a few more people to glare. 'Are you guys dating? Oh my God, I bet you are!' I had to slap my shaky  hand over her continuously talking mouth. 'Yes, he made a move and yes, we're dating.' I simply tell her the answers and then stand up, walking off to the cash register to order drinks. I turn around to look at Katelynn to see what she wants. 'Iced coffee with milk!' She exclaims. My face flips into a disgusted one and she laughs, sounding like a perfect harmony. 'Just order already!' I nod at her, then I turn around to face a really cute guy, he looks a lot like Luke Hemmings which I find funny.

'What can I get you today, ma'am?' He politely asks, flashing me a grin. 'Can I have an iced coffee with milk and a peppermint hot chocolate?' He curtly nods and then punches the total into the cashier, handing me the beverages. Thanking him, I carefully walk back to Kate's and I's table. I placed them down as she smiles brightly at me. 'I don't get how you can like that.' She says, her nose rising up in digust. I mimick her actions, 'I don't get how you can like that.' She bursts out laughing while I have the amusement in my hazel eyes. As the day went by, we both were casually sipping our drinks whilst catching upon things. Surprisingly enough, she still doesn't have a boyfriend. As soon as she said that, I nearly choked on my chocolate. 'What?!' I yelled. Luckily, no one else was here except for the workers here. She nods at me, trying not to start laughing. 'We should get going.' I nod at her, making it obvious that I don't want to go. Katelynn seems to notice that and gives me another squeeze, then smiling brightly as she walks out the door leaving me standing there like an idiot.

Daring to give out a smile, I get everything together and sprint out the door eagerly running off back to my house.

Oh, how great today was.

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i'm such a failure.

i haven't updated since like forever.


any of these german readers out there, you should know i'm going there in like three or two or four weeks. o-o i have like five internet friends that live there, so maybe i could come across them maybe? ^-^

or maybe my fans, woop woop.


i'm even having, finally, a female roommate as soon as i come back from germany c:

now i'll have someone to keep me company for once, woop

i kinda wish i was a vlogger so i could vlog my wonderful adventures of probably meeting internet friends or just exploring a country i've never been in *-* by the way, Katelynn's beautiful face is the media. aka Hayley Williams. a try beauty,


twenty days

countdown on skype starts...


buhbai *salutes*

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