Chapter 30: Going Straight for Camping

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Weeks quickly pass and I find myself stuffing my luggage into the boot of the car. 'Is that all?' Tiredly Zach asks. I nod curtly and grab his hand. Today's the day when we go camping. If you didn't realize, Zach and I forgave each other; we're perfectly fine again. 'I'm so excited!' I scream and jump up, letting go of Zach's grasp. He laughs and enters the car, beckoning me to come in too.

I quickly swing my bag across my shoulder and go inside the car, softly closing the door beside me. He asks me if I'm ready and I reply with a small nod. The car engine rumbles to life and I soon find the landscape out the window chasing the car. Trees passed by, their leaves waving to us. Strange shaped clouds flew above us and I roll down the window, putting my hand out. The chilly air licked my hand, giving me small goosebumps (in a good way).

Minutes turned into hours and I see myself getting bored quite quickly. The radio music fills in the awkward silence. My hand automatically turns the current song down and glance at Zach's calm face. 'How much longer left?' I ask, trying to start small talk. Zach's glasses slightly slide off the bridge of his nose whenever we drive over a bump caved into the road. 'Rach, it's been only twenty-three minutes, calm down.' He laughs. My eyes squint at him and I shake my head, turning back to the window.

The music turned louder. The soft beat of the song fills my ears and I loudly hum to the parts of the song I certainly know. It can't be only twenty-three minutes. It has to be longer than that. I rest my small head against the window pane and I feel my lips daring to twist into a smile. I hold it back and try to make myself look unhappy.

That soon fails and I feel my eyes filling up with happy tears. 'I still can't get over the fact we're going camping. Together.' The sound of my voice exaggerates on 'together' and I spot Zach's mouth turn into a wild smile. I sit up and gently kiss his cheek, feeling the smoothness of it. His cheeks sprain into a rose colour. I wipe my face with the edge of my woolen sleeve.

• • •

The car stopped and my eyes shot open. I instantly regretted that as the sun beams shone brightly in my hazel eyes. 'Urgh!' I yelp out, covering my face with my sleeves. I hear Zach's cute laughter from a few feet away. 'Are we here?' I yell, exiting the car. He shakes his head, passing me a Peace Tea. I open the can and take a long sip. The atmosphere around us was absolutely beautiful. Trees were softly swaying side to side with acorns possibly falling into the soft grass. Pebbles were scattered around in the tall grass and I felt the hot gravel beneath me burn my feet.

Zach was casually leaning on the car, sipping from his cola. His hair was blowing around his face thanks to the wind. I looked down at my swollen legs as I remember the times I fell over the suitcases in the house. I look at the clean, blue sky and block the sun out of my eye sight. Taking another chug from the tea, I glance at the darkened forest nearby. 'What time is it?' I ask, trying to look for any signs of time. 'Four-eleven.' I nod, thanking Zach. I leap back into the car and sit in the seat, looking around. I carefully place the can of tea onto the drivers seat and throw my hair into a quick ponytail. I look into the car mirror, seeing my face completely a mess. Big purple bags under my eyes displayed the tiredness in me. But I shrug and carry on chillaxing. I grab the tea again and place it into the cup holder, not wanting any spillage.

Around five minutes later, Zach enters back into the car and we instantly set off, not allowing me to fasten my seat belt. I do it, relieved that I won't end up killing myself. My mind wanders off to a daydream land with only me in it. I see myself running around the woods, giggling happily with a tired Zachary running after me. He would be calling my name, begging me to stop. However, I would still mercilessly carry on sprinting, not knowing where the fuck I'm going. The darkened sky gets covered up with fireflies flying around Zach and I. We both sit down on the grass, breathing heavily. I would yap about how fun that was and how much I would love to do it again.

Zach lies down onto his stomach and rolls around in the soft grass, like a child. I smile happily, feeling all warm inside. Zach stops rolling and looks at me, adoration written across his face. I sit on my knees and put my hands on Zach's face. My lips collide with his and we soon find each other in a passionate kiss.

Music smacks me out of my land of daydreams and I grunt, realising that my dream won't really happen. Zach raises ane eyebrow at my random action. 'Nothing.' I blurt out, grabbing onto my tea. He cautiously nods and speeds up the car. A 5 Seconds of Summer song pops on the radio and I hear myself singing terribly. My off-key singing was followed by Zach's chirpy singing voice. Soon the car was filled with off-key singing and horrible rhythms.

After singing about a million songs, the car stopped and the announcement of Zach saying that we're here was done. I exit the car and finally stretch my legs. I yawn and stretch my arms. 'Finally!' I screech which makes Zach laugh. 'You have to unload your things though.' I cock my eyebrow up. 'Are you fucking kidding me?' I look at the sky dramatically. Once again, he laughs. 'Nope.' Then I feel a few small bags landing onto my feet. 'Oh come on, Zachary!' He chuckles while I pick up my bags and walk into the small huts entrance. 'This is cute.' I say to no one in particular. I walk up the fireplace and set my bags there. The sky was an orangey-pink. Just the way I like it. The hut consisted of about three or four rooms that will be useful for this week.

Our bedroom was tiny, but cosy.

A white king sized bed was in the middle of the room with a black carpet hugging the bottom of the bed. A dark brown wardrobe was in the corner by the door. It was big enough to fit both our things in there. White lace curtains were covering up the small windows that maybe had a great view. I sigh and walk out of the room and into the kitchen. The kitchen was tiny too. The floor was black marble flooring with a simple pattern. Everything in here was either brown or white. They seem to keep up with the scheme very well. The door that was leading to the bathroom was closed, signifying that Zach was in there. I walk into the living room area, seeing that it's nearly empty. Only a television was hanging on the wall. A black leather couch sat in front of the TV. Nothing else was in the room expect for a few windows here and there. The bathroom door slammed open and Zach came up behind me, hugging my waist tightly. He planted a small smooch on my lips and walked away, probably going to unpack. I touch my lips with my index finger, feeling a slight touch of electricity.

I jog myself outside. The warm air kept the same and I pull my phone out. I plug my earphones out and put them in my ears, hearing the wonderful, rhythmic tunes. Out of control, I start swaying side to side, lip-syncing to my playlist. It makes me feel like I'm in a music video and I start randomly dancing, closing my eyes. Air blew onto my bare legs and I kick my feet around, still feeling like a dancer. The dancing lesson memories flood into my head and I see all the things I've learned. Putting my hardest, I copy out the moves I learned and start practicing them on the spot. The happiness I never knew I had stood out on me as I could tell my eyes were sparkling brightly. They always did that whenever I was happy about something. A fast beat song turned on and I open my eyes, seeing myself uncontrollably kicking around and spinning.

• • •

It feels like hours that I've been out here when I stumble back inside, breathless. When I unplug my earphones, I hear loud clutter of clapping. I turn, seeing Zach staring at me, bewildered at what he witnessed. I blush deeply and look down at my feet shyly. 'That was great.' He whispers, wrapping his warm arms around me, pulling me into his chest. 'T-thank you.' I stutter, looking up at his face. He smiles and pecks my cheek, leaving me hanging. I frown. 'Oi, you tease.' He roars out into a cycle of laughter and pecks my lips, putting his hand on my bum. I give out a childish squeal and squirm out of his grasp. 'We should go to sleep, it's been a long day.' I nod and follow him into the bedroom. He strips himself out of his shirt and jeans; I do the same. We both fall onto the bed, instantly cuddling into the sheets. He hums quietly, stroking my hair making me drift off into a comfortable slumber.

• • •

holy shiet this is long af. only 16 something thousand words, no biggie. xD


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