Chapter 12: The Danger In The Plastic Wallet

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I wake up to the sound of my phone blowing out the sounds of the vibration that was hitting the dark wood coffee table that silently stood there right next to the couch. Sitting up, I realised how quiet and peaceful it was without Zach around - I wonder where he went. I sigh and quickly grab my phone before the ringing stops and pull it up to my left ear.

'Hello?' I say into the phone.

'Rach,' Brayden's voice starts, 'I need you to help me in the airport as soon as possible.' The worry in his tone escaped into my brain instantly making me worried as well.

'Wait, why?'

'No time for questions, come to the airport on Castle Road... NOW!' He yells and that's when the call drops. I start feeling sick in my stomach; there's no time for that, I need to hurry. I grab my chocolate brown uggs slipping them on, I grab my keys and hurry off to my car and off to the airport. Let's hope nothing terrible happened.

~ At The Airport ~

As soon as I reach to the airport, I get out slamming the door behind me and run inside. All I could see was different colours all around me, with all the blonde's, brunette's and even their clothes shining out of the crowd makes it harder to find Brayden. It was pretty easy to find him after standing on my tip-toes, all the tall, big men in their blue security outfits were crowding around poor Brad. I rush off to where they were standing, I wonder what he has done now. 

'Guys! Stay away from him!' My scream echoed all around the airport making many people stop moving and talking and turn their attention towards me. Brayden's face softens into a relieved expression and smiles at me, but then looks at the floor and his smile instantly whipes off his face. I frown and start jogging.


I slowly lift my head up slighlty to see Rachel jogging towards me, I start to panic and kick the plastic wallet that was on the floor further away from me to make it seem like someone else dropped it by accident; that plan failed miserably. Instead of the wallet going further away, it seemed to slide closer and closer to the girl I love. As soon as she sees it, she stops jogging and stares at the wallet for what seemed like hours, when she looks at me, my heart breaks into a million pieces. 

Her expression has a hurt face on it.

'B-Brayden, what is in this plastic wallet?' She yells picking it up. I gulp and turn around to start running to only see another tall figure standing right there with his hairy, muscle arms crossed accross his chest while he's smirking at me evily. I turn around again to see Rachel standing there with tears in her eyes willing to spill out and onto the floor that was polished probably some hours ago.  I look at the ground ashamed of myself.

'They're drugs, Rachel.' I whisper feeling weak in my knees and arms. She drops the wallet onto my foot in disgust and walks away. Even though she's already nearly a mile away, I can hear her sobs splashing everywhere in the room with waves of disgust, hurt and fear all around. I didn't want it to turn out like this, why did I even buy those drugs off of Sean?


I'm so fucking sick of him! He buys those drugs off of probably a homeless man and then just takes them with him to the airport! I mean, who would do such thing? If I hear his name again or anything about him, I'll never return back to that place. Maybe being friends with Brayden was the worst idea ever. I go back inside of the warm embrace of my car and try to calm myself down.

'It's going to be okay, Rachel, stay strong for me.' I whisper to myself whilst rocking backwards and forwards. I start the car with a shakey breath and speed off to wherever the hell I'm going. The tears in my eyes cover up my vision and I can already see myself hitting into a random tree that pops out of nowhere like a Jack in the Box and end up killing myself. But I don't stop, oh no, I'm carrying on driving. Maybe I could accidentally-on-purpose crash into another car and end this madness that we all are still calling life (somehow). My grip on the steering wheel tightens and I speed up even more, I'm going to hope that my fuel runs out and then I have to stick with walking, then I could get kidnapped and that would be the end of it all. Because I mean, it is getting quite dark here in Canada, especially when it's Winter. So that means all of those drug dealers, murderers and stealers will be out patrolling the streets of pure o' Canada. I sigh again and runs my fingers through my greasy hair that I'm not really bothered to wash. My clothes are all dirty from the creeping by the bushes and hiding in the mud from the wolf earlier on. I wish that I didn't get into this mess in the first place, if I just didn't let Dragon out, I wouldn't have a boyfriend, I wouldn't be running away from my own home, I wouldn't be crying about of one of my friends smoking weed again. It's like my old life when I was eighteen all over again. The tears come visit my eyes again filling up my vision, again. Maybe this time, I will actually be able to crash somewhere and nobody will be allowed to come search for my body, I mean, no one is actually here so I'll be fine.


~ After An Hour ~

It seems to feel like I've been driving for years now, I already tried like six times to crash into a tree, I just don't have enough courage to do it. Giving up, I stop my car and look out my window to see if there is any sight of human around. When I finally don't see anyone, I bang my head against the window and instantly see black.

3 R D P E R S O N V I E W

When the young girl is knocked out by the shattered window, an old lady creeps out of the slightly snowed on bushes. The old lady's voice shakes giving her no will to pull out a phone and call the ambulance. After standing there and watching Rachel's head slowly becoming fully red with her blood, Harriete finally goes and calls the ambulance to try and save the poor girl's life.

'Please be alive by the time the ambulance comes.' Says Harriete to herself expecting Rachel to reply back to her little voice that flowed through the cold wind and into the clouds above.


What was that girl thinking?! Just stopping yourself in the middle of the night and bash your head against a car window isn't the smartest thing to do. 65% of the teenage brain wouldn't do this type of thing at their age. I play around with my lilac and white scarf until I see the blue and white blinding beacon flash in front of my eyes in the dark forest. It was so silent that I could even hear the crickets chirping in the background, it makes me feel really uncomfortable. When I finally hear the sirens screaming saying "We're here to help!", I give out a sigh of relief and smile slightly at the young men stepping out and picking up the beautiful, young girl that apparently tried to kill herself. After being asked a bunch of questions that I didn't know the proper answer to, they finally left and I was left alone to think about what I just witnessed.

A/N          ooooooo

you didn't see that coming, did you?

i did

^ well it IS my story...


Sorry for not many updates or anything, the first week I didn't update was because I was grounded, and this week, I was on a school trip that lasted for 5 days. But EY, at least you have a new chapter to read, woohoo

Imma go now, buhbai

Words: 1431

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