29. Stand x Off

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The door opened and Kurapika stood there, watching us. Chrollo had closed his book and was watching Kurapika carefully.
"Hello, Chain User." Kurapikas eyes were a vibrant shade of scarlet and his aura was absolutely terrifying, much more powerful then earlier. It looked like it could potentially be as powerful as Chrollos with enough training and skill. I watched in fear. Anger and pain were boiling to the surface and all I could do was watch.
"Spider. You want me. I'm here. Let Akasuki go." Chrollo frowned.
"I want to fight you. I won't let the girl go until we fight." I bit my lip. This wasn't going to end well.
"Very well." Kurapika tried to use chain jail shrouded in IN but Chrollo saw through it, dodging and running at him. He wasn't using nen, only a dagger as the two went at it, punching and dodging seamlessly. They were caught in a cycle that they couldn't seem to break. Chrollo appeared to be enjoying it while Kurapika was only getting more angry.
"I wonder how gorgeous those eyes would be if I killed your little girlfriend over there." Chrollo smirked. Kurapika was enraged and got erratic, which lead to Chrollo pinning him.
"Join the Spiders. You have the strength. The passion, the skill. All you lack is experience. I can give you everything you want, Kurta." Kurapika looked at him, his bloodlust almost blinding as he looked at Chrollo. Then, he spat in his face.
"Never. I am going to kill you all. That is all I want." Chrollo sighed and went for Kurapikas leg, faster than he had been before. within a moment it was broken.
"Kurapika!" I screamed as I let out my tether vine to grab Kurapika. I managed to and brought him to me, helping him up.
"We have to get out of here, now!" I said to him, thinking of a diversion to escape with. But he wasn't focused on me. Only Chrollo, his worst enemy.
"Let go of me. I am going to kill him." I slapped him. That seemed to surprise him and quell his bloodlust.
"Not today! Today you're going home!'
Tears were in my eyes and when he looked at me his aura softened. He was finally back.
"How adorable. Now, back to business." Chrollo ran straight at me, his eyes locked on me for some reason. I panicked and managed to use Starburst, covering Kurapika's eyes. Then I used Ring of The Forest, heading to the door. Despite his lack of sight, Chrollo hadn't halted. Not until a blur of blue intercepted between us and Chrollo. I didn't recognize the man. He was older and absolutely ripped with a incredibly strong aura. He had long blond hair and fair skin. He didn't acknowledge us.
"Ah, so you're here already?" Chrollo said, appearing to recognize the man.
"And I was just having fun. Well then. Shall we get on with it?" And before I knew what was happening the men were fighting. A third man appeared to be fighting as well but I couldn't make him out. I took the opportunity to pull Kurapika and I out of there. Kurapika lead me out safely.
"Mitsuki already has the boys. It's going to be okay." Kurapika said softly after noticing my panic. I sighed and nodded softly. Soon we made it back to the hotel. Leorio splint Kurapikas leg and I left him to rest and greet the boys.
Gon ran up to me and hugged me tight to the point of pain.
"Hey, kiddo loosen up!" I groaned. He gasped and did so.
"Sorry! Anyways I'm glad you're safe... I was scared they would hurt you." I shook my head and gave him a smile.
"No, I'm okay! I got lucky... we both did." I looked towards Kurapika's room. Killua looked at me.
"Hey... I'm glad you're okay too." He said quietly. I smiled and ruffled his hair.
"I'm just glad you're both okay..." I tried to suppress tears but they came anyway and I cried. Leorio came over and hugged me, letting me cry into him for a moment. Then I pulled away.
"Sorry... I was just... scared..." My voice was shaky and broken. I needed rest. Or a drink. Either way, I needed a break. Leorio looked down at me with a caring expression, running his hands through my hair.
"I understand. Come on, I'll make you all some food. I'm sure you're starved." Leorio offered. As he cooked I composed myself and showered, changing into new clothes. Mitsuki was in the living room when I returned. I looked at them sheepishly.
"Hey..." Mitsuki looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. Then out of nowhere, they extended what appeared to be a ring to me.
"What is this?" I asked, examining it.
it is a message device. i have one to. so i do not have to worry about you.
I paused, good tears filling my eyes. I wanted to hug them but I knew they wouldn't want that so I just grinned at them.
"I love it. Thank you. I'm sorry for making you worry..." Mitsuki shook their head.
just be safer.
I nodded, understanding.
"I will.

Leorio was an incredible cook. I found myself stuffed and pleased with what he gave me. I grinned at him.
"That's incredible, Leorio! Thank you so much!" He smiled sheepishly.
"It's really nothing... just an old family recipe." Gon looked up and huffed.
"You're amazing, Leorio! Don't put yourself down!" Leorio blushed and nodded frantically.
"Thank you guys, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Mitsuki and Killua just offered a thumbs up.
Soon I found myself walking to Kurapikas room, looking over him with worry.
"Pika?" He opened his eyes and looked at me, offering a soft smile. I smiled back.
"Hey, Suki..." I took his hand and squeezed it. Glancing back at his leg.
"Kurapika... you scared me. I thought... I thought he was going to kill you." Kurapika looked away.
"But he didn't." I shook my head, letting go of his hand so I could place my hand on his cheek, turning his face so he would look at me.
"That's not the point. Kurapika you can't fight the Troupe like this. I know you're powerful. I saw it. I saw your raw, unadulterated aura. But... you work best when you have the element of surprise." Kurapika looked away then back at me, sighing.
"I know but... am I supposed to just let them go?" I shook my head.
"No. We will defeat them one day. But... today, tomorrow or even the day after that is not that day. We should leave and train. Then when we're more prepared, we can come back and kick the shit out of those assholes, okay?" Kurapika took my hand off his cheek and held it, kissing my palm. He was... calm. Despite the subject at hand. His aura was mellow... even pleasant. I didn't understand it. He looked at me.
"Okay." Relief filled me. He really agreed... still... this didn't feel like him. I worried he would leave during the night or something. It terrified me.
"You should get some sleep, Pika."
"You should too, Suki." We looked at each other than locked eyes, then lips. The kiss was gentle and loving. When we pulled away he moved over so there was room on the bed. My face flushed red.
"Sleep with me for the night, will you? Nothing sexual just... I don't want to stop holding you." The blond haired man with the kind eyes said. I nodded hesitantly. I wanted to hold him too. I never wanted to let go. I relaxed against him, our auras mixing into a light purple, serene and gentle as I fell into unconsciousness.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now