26. Learning

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I spent the next couple hours practicing and learned some base words such as hi, help, and a couple other signals we could use in battle. I was actually having a bit of fun until Gon, Killua, and Leorio burst into the hotel room, talking about some bounty. Mitsuki and I perked up to listen in.
"Akasuki, Mitsuki!" Gon yelled as he walked up to me and showed me a flyer. On it were the faces of some of the people I had seen at the auction yesterday. It was... the Phantom Troupe. My brow furrowed in concern as I snatched the flyer away.
"Gon! What is this?" I asked, fear evident in my voice.
"The mafia has put a ransom out on the Phantom Troupe! If we catch one or two we'll have enough to get Greed Island!" My eyes widened. He was right of course but at what cost? I looked up to see Mitsuki writing on their notepad.
" that is only if you survive the encounter. " I nodded and handed him back the flyer.
"Gon... we went to the auction. We encountered a couple troupe members and barely escaped with our lives! The risk is not worth the reward..." My words didn't matter however. Gon had already made up his mind.
"I know. But I need to find my dad. I'm doing this." I took a deep breath and looked at Killua.
"So you aren't going to argue with him?" I asked, letting out a frustrated sigh. Killua just scoffed.
"You think he'd listen to me?" I shook my head and placed my fingers to the bridge of my nose.
"Fine. But I'm going just to make sure you two don't get yourselves killed, alright?" I asked, looking at the two. They met my eyes and Killua nodded while Gon grinned.
"Yep! I'm so glad you're going to help, Suki!" He hugged me and I hugged him back, somewhat annoyed but proud of the little boy before me. When I let go I looked back at Mitsuki.
"Are you coming?" They looked pissed as hell but nodded before writing,
" since the two of you have a death wish. " I smiled and nodded before heading to the computer to put out a notice.

A couple hours later someone said they had found two Troupe members in a nearby park surrounded by cafes. Gon, Killua, Leorio, Mitsuki, and I left, cautious to see our prey. Eventually we sat in a booth with a window overlooking the plaza and the two members. One had bright pink hair that fell around her shoulders and the other had long brown hair. They were both peculiar specimens and I sighed as I watched. They clearly weren't normal.
"Okay, so we should decide our next move. So how should we go about capturing these two?" Leorio asked. Gon and Leorio looked serious as hell while Killua, Mitsuki, and I knew we didn't stand a chance.
"We don't." I said simply, resting my face on my hand as I drank my smoothie.
" akasuki is right for once. they are too powerful. you will surely die. " Mitsuki held up their notebook and I snorted before elbowing them.
"I'm right more than just once!" I exclaimed, annoyed.
"Oh, come on! We won't know until we try, and besides, why didn't you mention this before?!" Leorio exclaimed. I only sighed and kept drinking my smoothie. Killua was definitely with Mitsuki and I.
"Stop yelling. They'll notice us. But it's the truth. I knew it as soon as I saw them. A while back, my dad killed a spider for a job." He took a drink of his milkshake. "He doesn't complain much... but he said the job wasn't worth the price. And that is the highest compliment he gives a target. He even got all of us together and told us we should steer clear of the Phantom Troupe. But that was years ago so I thought we might stand a chance." Killua explained, nonchalantly drinking his milkshake and resting his cheek on his palm like I was. Leorio and Gon looked shocked.
"They can't be that strong... can they?" Leorio asked hopelessly, his voice shaking as he stared at the three of us in disbelief.
"Yeah, they can. Each one of them is as strong as Hisoka. Maybe a little more or a little less. I digress, I can see their power from here. If we tried attacking we would lose." I explained, twirling my straw around in my drink.
"I guess.. it's safe to say that that's a lot more than we can handle..." Leorio commented, groaning a little. Killua watched the two.
"So what do you think they're doing here?" He asked Leorio and Gon. Leorio answered almost immediately, obviously pretty annoyed.
"They're dating. It's a date, right?" Leorio asked suspiciously.
"Wait, is it really?" Gon asked, confused. I giggled a little and Mitsuki hit my bicep. I winced and stuck my tongue out at them in response which they only ignored.
"No, of course not. They noticed that other couple behind them.  I can tell they're paying close attention to their surroundings. I thought they were just being cautious because the Mafia's after them. But if that was the case they wouldn't be sitting in a public area like that. Instead, they act like they don't have a care in the world." I nodded and cracked my knuckles before taking the reins.
"They're waiting for someone like us to find them. So they're acting as bait and waiting to draw us out." I explained haphazardly.
Collectively, Mitsuki, Killua, and I got unreasonably uncomfortable. Their auras had changed from cautious to annoyed. They must have been arguing.
"The atmosphere has changed." Killua observed aloud.
"Do you think they noticed us?" Leorio asked cautiously.
"Not yet. I can say that much." I explained.
"You sure about that? Remember I can't use zetsu to mask my presence like the rest of you." Leorio explained, clearly tense.
" zetsu would make us obvious. we cannot use it here anyway. " Mitsuki explained. I nodded.
"They can sense nen but they aren't trying..." I noticed, watching the two individuals.
"They're looking at people around them to see if anyone's suspicious. So stay calm and act normal, alright?" I told Gon and Leorio who looked absolutely terrified. Killua nodded.
"Wipe those looks off your faces and just act natural." He said, eating the cherry from his milkshake. What resulted was the two boys fake laughing which only made the other three of us cringe. After a couple moments they stood up and began walking away. I took the last drink of my smoothie and sighed.
"They're on the move," I noticed. The rest looked but not too obviously.
"Now what?" Gon asked us, keeping an eye on the Troupe members.
"Well we can't beat em in a fight so..." I sighed before getting up. Leorio and Gon had their hearts set however.
"Like I said, we'll figure out a way. Failures not really an option." He pushed his glasses up.

A little while later Killua, Gon, Mitsuki, and I had shrouded ourselves in zetsu and began tracking the targets. We had split up in three directions. Killua went to their right, Gon went to their left and Mitsuki and I stayed together, heading up behind them. Eventually they came to a stop in a empty plaza. There was tile in the middle where they stopped. Mitsuki had decided to head up the outside. They weren't so keen on the small space. I went with Gon into the room he was in. After a couple moments they received a phone call which the man picked up. Then the worst happened. He made eye contact with me. Gon and I immediately took off only to be blocked by a woman with short blonde hair on one side and the pink haired woman in the window. I grit my teeth. We needed a plan. Before I could attack the blonde woman spoke up.
"Before you attack we already have the other kid. Attack and we'll kill him." I furrowed my brow before standing up and straightening my back slowly, letting the tension in my muscles go.
"Fine." I prepared to defend if I had too but for now I would see why they weren't killing us yet.
"Do you know the chain user and think before you answer." The blonde woman asked us.
"He's a nen user who fights with chains. We're trying to find him. Is he the one who asked you to follow us? Is this his idea?" I furrowed my brow and hoped to God that Gon wouldn't say anything.
"No. We don't know any nen user who uses chains." I explained. Now that I knew what they wanted I had a trump card. If they tried to kill me or the boys I would explain Third Eye. Then they would keep us alive so I could find their chain user.
"We followed you two for our own reasons, not anyone else's." I stated, holding my hands in the air. I had absolutely no malice in my being. I had no will to fight. I knew it would throw them off.
"What do you think?" The pink haired girl asked the blonde.
"Can't tell. If she's lying she's certainly good at it." I used Third Eye. The women's abilities were interesting.
"Psychometry, conjured pistol and memory bomb..." I thought to myself as I bit my lip. Based on memory bomb I assumed the blonde woman's nen had something to do with memory. The other woman's was named nen stitches and nen threads so pretty straight forward. If I was right the pink haired woman was a conjurer while the blonde was a specialist. That gave me something to work with. She held up her hand.
"Why don't I check?"
My eyes narrowed as the blonde looked at me.
"Are you going to surrender or die?" I raised an eyebrow before looking at Gon.

I sat on the floor of the car while Gon and Killua sat in between the blonde woman and a blond man. The blonde woman placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm going to ask again. Do you know the chain user?" I sighed and assumed she was checking my memories. I could tell she was using nen based on her aura.
"Nope. Never met anyone with chain nen." I said truthfully.
"I see. What about you boys, do you have any guesses?" She took her hand off me and draped her arm over Gon and Killuas shoulders. Thankfully, they got the hint and shut up.
In a crumbling stone building the woman let us in before saying;
"Welcome to our hideout."

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now