24. Cold x Introductions

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That night was the underground auction. Mitsuki and I sat on the hotel rooftop, watching the passerby and the security. We didn't have a particular reason, we were just bored. After a moment Mitsuki looked at me, a glint of playfulness in their eyes as they showed me a card.
" want to go? " I raised a eyebrow and laughed, scratching the back of my head. We had gotten outfits already for the auction so that wasn't exactly going to be a issue. What was the harm in going?
"Sure, why not? How can we get in?" They smiled at me, mischievously smirking at me.
" leave that to me :) "

A little while later we found ourselves at the entrance. Mitsuki had stolen a couple passes from unsuspecting passerby and we had successfully entered, both of us looking particularly dashing in our respective outfits. I was wearing a flowy seafoam dress that was tight around my waist while Mitsuki wore a red button up, a black tie and a black suit jacket with red lining. They had pulled their hair into a low ponytail while I had put my own hair into a high ponytail above my head. They looked really cute and I smiled at them which earned a death glare at me as we watched the crowd.
"This is incredible! I really feel like the upper class," I said in a faux fancy voice which made Mitsuki look at me with contempt.
"What? Do you not know how to smile?" I asked, pointing at them as if I were lightly poking them. They looked at me and rolled their eyes, turning back to look at the crowd.
"Seriously?!" I exclaimed, gobsmacked. "You don't know how to smile?" They shook their head slightly and frowned.
"Well... how about I teach you! What makes you happy? I smile whenever I'm happy!" They looked at me and their eyes softened slightly. I noticed their aura shift very slightly with their cheekbones and I grinned.
"Oh my god you just smiled didn't you?!" They looked away, their face the lightest shade of pink as they shook their head.
"Ahhh!! I made you smile!" I jumped happily. "I made Mitsuki smile!" I giggled to myself. They watched me with a gentle kindness in their aura but glared at me. I smiled. They had no idea I could see their true emotions. I smiled at them again and calmed down. 
"Hey. You know you don't have to be ashamed that you're happy, right?" I asked, furrowing my brow. Their eyes widened ever so slightly as they pulled out a cue card.
" you are so stupid ♡ " I watched them draw the little heart and I smiled, content as I looked at the crowd again. I figured that Mitsuki calling me stupid was more or less a sign of love.
After a moment someone approached me. They appeared to be a pretty weak son of a mafia boss. He was most likely in his mid twenties with a stubble covering his chin and curly brown hair adorning his head. His striking brown eyes were staring at me eagerly. There was no arguing that the young man was good looking.
"Hello my lady," He bowed respectfully and I blushed at the attractive man. "And... child?" I raised a eyebrow.
"I um... This is my bodyguard, Tetsuya!" I bullshitted. Mitsuki nodded and bowed slightly and I silently sighed in relief.
"May I have the honor of escorting you to the auction tonight?" He asked, holding out his arm. I looked to Mitsuki and they nodded slightly.
"Of course. I'm Violet, by the way." He smiled and nodded as I took his arm. Mitsuki trailed me as we entered the auction room, keeping a eye on everyone around us. I didn't feel anything was off. Honestly, all the people here were painfully weak.
"Violet is a beautiful name. I'm Akira Tadashi." He kissed my hand lightly and behind me I felt disgust come from Mitsukis aura. I blushed and giggled slightly, sure to play the part of the pretty ditz. Before anyone could take a seat however I felt a extremely powerful aura. No... not just one. Was there four? There had to be. I could sense them. And they weren't just nen users. They were extremely powerful nen users! Definitely more powerful then Mitsuki or I. I could tell they sensed something too as they gave me a look. The doors closed and I looked to my date.
"Please excuse me for a moment, I'm afraid I have to go powder my nose." I said. He nodded and let go and I walked off with Mitsuki to the entrance. I could feel intense bloodlust as we grew closer.
"Do you feel it too?" I asked quietly. They nodded, their brow furrowed and body tense as they prepared for a battle.
"Theres four total. Two outside this door, two near the stage. Think we can make it?" Mitsuki nodded again as we turned the door knob, preparing for a fight as we opened the door. When we did there was someone outside. A girl with a black bob, big glasses, a black turtleneck and a necklace of Saint Peters cross around her neck. She lunged at us, trying to hit us with a vacuum thing made of nen. I sent a vine up to catch it as I moved out of the way. On the other side a woman with short blonde hair stood, pointing a gun at Mitsukis head. As she fired they side stepped and sent a powerful kick to her arm. It hit but I could tell she protected herself to not seriously hurt her arm. I kicked the girl fighting me in the stomach and sensed something coming into my en. Was it a pin? What the hell? I sent a vine shrouded in IN to grab it and flick it aside. I looked and noticed it must have been a manipulator tool.
"MITSUKI! PLAN!" I yelled after sensing the fifth aura. Mitsuki grabbed me and pulled me back before sending a sharp wave of nen at our opponents. Mitsuki hit their back and made a high pitched noise. I figured they were telling me to hop on so I nodded and got onto their back, holding on as tight as possible as Mitsuki ran faster then I had ever seen anyone run. Soon we were outside the city near an abandoned carnival. Mitsuki looked around to ensure we weren't being followed before letting me get off their back.
"What was that?!" I asked, fear running through my entire body.
" nen ability. " I sighed and grit my teeth.
"Yeah no fucking shit! I mean who were they? Why were they attacking?" Mitsuki looked at me critically. My whole body was shaking. They noticed this and took off their jacket, placing it around my shoulders.
"Thank you..." I said softly, trying not to shiver as I pulled my arms through. They put up a finger and started to write.
" why did you decide to meet in Yorknew in the first place? " My heart dropped and I clutched my chest. I knew the answer but still... they were more powerful then I could have ever imagined. There was no way Kurapika could defeat them... not when he's only a brand new nen user!  I was shaking as I replied,
"The Phantom Troupe."

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now