5. A x Deal x With x The x Devil

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Finally, we made it onto the airship to head to the third phase. Leorio and Kurapika went to get some rest while Gon and Killua went running around to explore. I let them, as I wanted to do a couple of things myself. I hadn't forgotten Hisokas words and they rang in my ears as I searched. Walking around the airship I eventually found the man I'd been looking for. He was sitting on a windowsill, watching the world go by. I walked towards him, leaning my back against the wall to look outside the window as well.
"How did you know?" I asked before he could say anything. Hisoka looked towards me, something unreadable yet terrifying lingering in his eyes. It was as if he was a predator and I was his prey. I let a shiver roll down my spine, then I stick my hands in my pockets, meeting his gaze.
"Good evening to you too," he said, turning to look outside again. I let his 'greeting' hang in the air for a moment before asking again.
"The third eye. It's such a small phenomenon most don't even know it exists, let alone how to tell if someone possesses it. How did you know?" My voice was level but threatening. I talked slower than usual, making sure he heard everything I said. Hisoka appeared to be in thought for a moment before he finally turns back to me.
"Why don't we make a deal?" He asked, obviously enjoying himself. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.
"What kind of deal?" I asked, feeling the tension in the air like water in a lake. His lips curled into that stupid smirk of his as he licked his lips before replying.
"How about, I'll tell you if you pass the hunter exam," Hisoka said, leaning forward to meet my eyes. I narrow my eyebrows.
"What's the catch?" I asked, showing no fear in my voice. There was no way it could be that easy. His yellow eyes were full of mystery and malice. He appeared to be a hedonist, seemingly doing whatever he wanted because he wanted to, not for any specific reason other than that it felt good. People like him were frustrating and hard to deal with. But still, I had to.
"So suspicious~ There is no catch. If you beat the exam and become a Hunter I'll tell you all you want to know about your Third Eye," I raised an eyebrow. He was telling the truth. I could tell. But what if he was manipulating his aura to manipulate me? I mean he did know about my ability so it wasn't out of the realm of possibility...
"Why do you want me to become a Hunter anyway? What do you get out of it?" I asked, still confused and hesitant. He smirked and turned back to the window.
"I suppose you could call me a talent scout. When I see people with potential I make an effort to see them grow into said potential. You interest me. Happy?" Hisoka asked. His aura was filled with bloodlust and... lust? Seriously? Whatever. There didn't appear to be that much of an ulterior motive. I guess he just gets off on fighting people. Sure, he wasn't exactly the best person to make this kind of deal with but at the same time, I didn't have much of a choice. I needed to know how he knew.
"Fine," I said, holding out my hand to shake. He takes it and I say, "and for the record, the name's Akasuki." He shakes my hand and gives me a once over that makes my skin crawl.
"Hisoka. A pleasure to meet you~" I groan slightly and take my hand back, leaving. But before I do I turn my head back to meet his gaze.
"See ya when I get my license, Hisoka."

The next day we had arrived at Trick Tower. After a while of looking, Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, Killua and I found an entrance to a room that needed five participants to start our way through Trick Tower. It was called the 'Majority Rule Path' I thought it was strange but everything was going smoothly until we reached a room. Inside, each of us would have to fight one prisoner of Trick Tower. We needed at least three wins to move on and any less we would be stuck there until the time ran out. I grit my teeth and looked over the competition. First up was a military-looking man with bulging muscles and a tattoo reaching around his bald head. I volunteered to go first. If any of us had a chance of winning this fight, it would be me. Now I just had to size up my competition. He wanted to do a fight to the death and I decided to let him have it. As we prepared, I noticed something. I know exactly where he's going to go and what he's going to do. First, he'll run at me and crush my windpipe so I can't surrender. Then, he'll torture me for the remaining time and finally kill me at the last minute for his own fun. I knew that even if I could beat him, the odds weren't good. In order to beat phase three, I would have to let go of my pride and surrender. The reason being that if he destroyed my windpipe it would all be over. We still had four more chances and I trusted my friends.
I made my decision and before he could run at me I simply said, "I surrender," everyone seemed disappointed but when I explained his strategy, my friends were relieved I had done what I had.
After an agonizing few hours we had passed the room and now had to wait fifty hours in a small room as a result of Leorio's haphazard gambling. After resting for a while and making sure Killua and Gon didn't destroy the small room, Kurapika and I were the only ones awake. I looked over to him and I realized I didn't know what he was thinking. He was so different from me and yet so... familiar. I sat next to him and he turned to me, his dark eyes lost in thought.
"Hey, Suki?" His voice was so unexpected that my face flushed red. He had looked so lost in thought I didn't think he would be the one to start the conversation.
"Yeah?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.
"I've been meaning to ask... I hope you don't mind, but how did your mom die?" The question was interesting. If I was being honest I was used to questions like that. I wasn't offended or caught off guard but still... it felt different coming from him. I wasn't sure how, or why, but it felt more... sincere.
"My mom specialized in helping people and endangered species. She would go help protect innocent people who needed someone strong at their sides and protected endangered species from poachers and the like. My dad never told me the details, but from what I know, about four years ago my mom found a clan that was being targeted for something. I can only guess it was hereditary. She went to protect them but the clan was attacked. The attackers were powerful. No one survived, including my mom." I messed with my hair, braiding and rebraiding it to distract myself. I'd told her death that way so many times but this time was different. Maybe it was because of the situation, how late it was, or because of Kurapika's own background but I.. felt it more. It didn't feel like the detached story I normally told. It felt like the funeral, the tears, my mom's hand on my face when she said goodbye. It felt like everything and nothing all at once.
"You said four years ago?" Kurapika perked up and I turned and nodded. What was he thinking?
"...was your mom's name Eiko?" My eyes widened. Was.. was Kurapika's clan the one my mom tried to protect!? I nodded again. "You don't think..." I start but he cuts me off.
"Did she have long red hair normally at a high ponytail behind her head, wear a weird orange breastplate, orange arm guards, and teal pants?" I gasped. "Y-yes she did!" I exclaimed, tears brimming in my eyes.
"Suki... your mother... she saved my life!" The tears started falling as Kurapika's soft hand cupped my cheek. At that moment, I felt something I never had before. Was this..? I wasn't sure what the feeling was but I knew it was stronger than friendship. A tear fell down my cheek and Kurapika's eyes widened. He almost took his hand away but before he could, I leaned into it, then cupped his face in my own hands. We stared at each other for a moment before I let go and wrapped my arms around his thin but muscular body. He held me close and ran his fingers through my hair to comfort me. I let the tears fall as memories of my parents arose. My mother's crimson hair glinting in the sun and the sound the cicadas made as we collected sap from a maple tree. Taking a walk through the woods in nature as my dad pointed out every plant and animal and explained their names and something cool about them. I even remembered a time we had traveled by elephant through the savannah.
When I was younger, I thought my mom could speak to animals. But now, as I feel Kurapikas warmth surrounding me and his kind eyes looking into mine I realize.. it was something different. A true connection was more than just words. As I hugged Kurapika I remembered my mom placing her forehead against the elephants who had carried us through a forest as she thanked it.
As I did, I almost heard a distant song. The song was as old as time itself. A song so familiar yet so foreign. I embraced it with open arms as I was enveloped by my friend's arms. The song was connection, it was companionship, it was love. A force unbreakable and unyielding. One I decided I would never give up.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now