17. Training x and x Power

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The next couple of months felt like years as I focused everything on training. After my fight with Hisoka, I knew what my new goal was. I wanted to help Kurapika in his mission to retrieve the Scarlet Eyes and to capture the Phantom Troupe. I wanted to save others from the pain I had suffered. While Gon and Killua took the next two months off from learning nen, I was training my butt off. In the meantime, I had learned a few more attacks as well as attempting to master my new move which I had decided to call Star Burst. I had figured out that if I used a transmuter technique with Makeshift, I could make a deadly weapon. By transforming my vines into a sword using Makeshift, then layering my sword with my aura which I'd turned into a natural sedative made from poppy seeds, I could take most opponents out in only one blow. Obviously, it wouldn't affect poison trained individuals, but it was just a bonus. I had decided to call this ability Poison Ivy. Next, I had discovered that I could develop thorns on the surface of my vines. It was still a work in progress but if I also added the poppy seed aura to the thorns it would pack a punch. Plus, I had discovered that if I had a thorn placed or lodged into a target, I could sense their location. This was incredibly helpful. I told Gon and Killua about it and they both agreed to keep a thorn on them at all times. If they got kidnapped or something they would hide it by digging it into their skin or swallowing it. As long as it wasn't digested I would still be able to use the thorn to track. Gon had shown me this when he decided to eat one and test its limits. I could still track him for approximately two hours before the thorn digested in his stomach. It wasn't much, sure, but it was certainly something. My neck had healed up quickly but I had decided not to get in a fight until Gon and Killua could also fight. Besides training, I had done one other thing. I had finally updated my own closet. I offered to take Gon to get new clothes but he declined. I decided I would just buy him a couple of new pairs of shorts and a couple of tank tops.
My new outfit looked like this. It was a lot like my previous one, as I made it appear to be constricting in battle. I got a torn, dark green shirt that was loose around my body and infused it with some of my nen so when I used ren or activated my nen, the cloth would stick to my body like spandex. Next was a pair of black leggings with cut-outs around the knees. The pants were already skin-tight but for precautionary measures, I infused them with a little nen as well. Finally, I had a leather varsity jacket that I had found in a thrift store. The good thing about it was the insane amount of secret pockets in it. Clearly, the previous owner was a drug dealer of some sort so the number of objects I could store in the jacket was amazing! I was proud of myself for such a rare find. I also picked up a couple of accessories. One was a pair of triangle-shaped glasses tinted light green and the other was a spiked choker. I had replaced the fake spikes of the original choker with real ones and laced it with my new poppy seed nen, making it so no one would ever target my neck again and walk away empty-handed. Then again... Hisoka certainly was missing a finger by the end of our fight. Somehow he had returned the finger to his hand with little less than a scar. He appeared to be unfazed but I knew he wouldn't let it go. I think the encounter just made him fixate on me more. Killua and I went to watch Hisokas fight with Kastro. It was definitely enlightening. He made much more of a show with Kastro than with me. As I watched I used gyo and quickly realized what Hisoka was doing, especially with his arms. He hadn't reattached them permanently, he had just used bungee gum to give the illusion he did. With the lack of a scar, however... could that possibly be his second ability, texture surprise? Was he able to make cloth or something look identical to something like skin? Is that why there was no evidence of his arm being cut off? I was brainstorming the whole fight, watching his movements, and trying to find weak points. He didn't appear to have any, besides his confidence that he was the best. Normally I would be able to use that confidence against him but.. he was so much more powerful than me. If I ever wanted to beat him I would have to find an ability that would be able to counter his that would be fitting for myself. After watching Hisoka 'reattach' his arm I was struck with another idea for an ability. What if I user a transmuter technique to turn my aura into a healing substance and coated my vines with it? I was lost in thought thinking about the last two months when I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and walked over, opening it to see Gon, Killua, and Zushi. My face lit up.
"Hey, kiddos! Want something to eat while you practice?" I asked, totally in mom mode.
"Sure! Thank you Akasuki!" Zushi bowed and the three walked in. Gon looked at me, curiosity in his gaze.
"Suki... Do you know gyo?" He asked. I nodded and walked to the kitchen, getting my materials out.
"Yes. Is that what you learned today?" I asked as I finished getting out the ingredients.
"Not exactly. Zushi did but Gon and I still need to improve our ren before we can attempt gyo," Killua responded. I nodded.
"Good job Zushi! Now go practice I'll tell you when I'm done." I spent the next hour or so watching the boys as I cooked. They were definitely strong, that much was obvious. Gon had come a long way from Whale Island. He was still a child and his curiosity for life and everything in it shined through in a way no one could label. Killua was remarkable. He grew up in a horrible environment and all though that wasn't a good thing, it made him much stronger and wise beyond his years. Even though he was definitely mentally older than Gon, Killua was still a child and I saw that. Gon still hadn't seen the absolute horrors life could bring while Killua had. That was the difference between the two. I finished cooking and prepared their plates.
"Dinner's ready!" I called, a smile on my face. The boys broke their ren and ran over, quickly eating. After a few moments, Killua looked at me.
"Hey, Suki?" I looked up from my own food.
"What is it, Killua?" I asked, playing with my food a bit.
"Can you show us your ren?" My eyes widened. Did they want the full thing?
"I.. um.. sure. All of you use ten just in case though." I said looking at them sternly. I walked into the living room and took a deep breath in then swiftly punched out, my ren flowing from my body. From how I saw my own aura through the Third Eye, it was beautiful. A light red like clouds floated around me, getting denser the closer it was to my body. White flickers of light danced around my aura as it encompassed the whole room. Aura was truly beautiful. After a moment I released it and looked back at the boys. Gon and Zushi's jaws were wide open while Killuas eyes were widened.
"Wow... that was..." Killua started,
"Incredible..." Zushi finished before forcing himself to close his mouth. Gon just stared for a moment then grinned.
"One day I'm going to be that powerful!" Gon exclaimed, grinning.
"Well, we really should be heading back to our rooms now," Killua said, hopping out of his seat. I nodded and cleaned up, leaving with the two boys.
"I'll make sure you get home safe Zushi. See you later kiddos!" I called to Gon and Killua as I walked with Zushi. We spent most of our walk-in a comfortable silence as we took to the streets, the comforting setting sun on the horizon. As we were walking Zushi looked up at me.
"Hey, Suki?" I looked down at him.
"What is it?" I asked nonchalantly.
"Why do you act like a mom? I mean... You're only eighteen right?" My face flushed red as my eyes widened. I nodded.
"Yeah... it's just... I care a lot about them. They're like little brothers to me... even though they're powerful they're still kids. I guess I just don't want them to forget that..." I explained, sighing. Zushi nodded as if he understood. I could tell he did as much as he could for a twelve-year-old. We turned into an alley and before I could even react we were surrounded in aura. It felt like a hand. It was gripping us with no air being let in. I tried to use my own nen but the hand had forced us into a state of zetsu, rendering both Zushi and me powerless. I conserved my energy until I watched Zushi pass out. I wanted to scream, to help him, but I was powerless. The nen user stepped in front of me as Zushi's unconscious body fell into his friend's lap. It was the three weirdos that wanted to fight Gon and Killua so bad! I grit my teeth and kept my eyes on them, barely struggling to stay conscious.
"Remember me?" It was the man I had pinned to that wall. The one with the contorted face and only one arm. Was his other arm made of nen? "Consider this Sadaso's revenge, girl. This isn't the last you'll see of us." Said the man. I felt my body give in. I couldn't hold it any longer. Despite my best efforts, I collapsed into unconsciousness.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now