16. Surprise x Visits

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TRIGGER WARNING: Hospitals, su!c!de, and PTSD

I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up slowly, taking note of my surroundings. I appeared to be in a hospital bed. There was an I.V. hooked up to my arm as well as a couple of routine monitors. At the end of the bed sat a sleeping Gon and Killua. Next to me was Wing, reading a book. The first thing I noticed was the cast on Gon's arm. I sat up quickly, rousing Mr. Wing as I tried to ask what happened. My voice was hoarse as he put out an arm to make me lay back down.
"Calm down Suki. Gon's alright. He had his fight. I'll tell you about it soon but right now all you need to know is that he's okay. I let out a sigh of relief which honestly hurt. Actually, my whole neck hurt. I could feel the brace holding my neck in a safe position. I tried to talk again when he shushed me.
"Don't try to talk. The injury in your neck wasn't too bad but to ensure that you don't get permanent damage the doctors want you to refrain from talking for a week. You'll be alright, it was only mild bruising but his attack hit your windpipe and crushed it. The doctors were able to correct it pretty easily but you need to not talk if you want it to heal fast." I nodded as best I could with the brace as Wing handed me a pad of paper and a pen.
"Thought you might be needing this." I smiled at him and after he explained Gon's fight with Gido and how he made a promise to not use or learn nen for two months. I placed my hand on my head and sighed.
'This kid will be the death of me.' I wrote. Wing saw it and laughed then nodded. After that, the boys woke up.
"Suki!" Gon exclaimed, jumping on me. I laughed and hugged him as Killua watched. I beckoned him with my hand and pulled him into the hug as well. After we parted Gon certainly had a lot of questions. I took notice of Wing leaving as the boys greeted me and quickly waved to him with a small smile.
"Are you okay? How was fighting Hisoka? What did he say that got you so upset?" I looked away from him and to the floor as I remembered his words. He had been there when my mother died... he was responsible for her death. A memory came to my mind of a day in the middle of winter where we sat in the blinds in a forest and waited for a deer to pass. We talked and drank hot cocoa as we talked about what being a Hunter truly was. My mom used to call those hunting trips girls nights...
"Suki?" Killua asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I blushed as I looked at him.
"What's wrong?" Gon asked, watching my expression carefully. Killua had picked up on my sudden change of mood and turned to Gon.
"I think she's tired. We'll be back tomorrow morning to help you check out, alright?" Killua asked, ushering Gon out of the room. I nodded and smiled, giving the boys a thumbs up. Then they left.
After a couple of minutes, I took out my phone, dialing Kurapikas number. No answer. I bit my lip and held back tears as I remembered Hisokas words. I knew she had been murdered but still... meeting one of the people responsible was a whole other ball game. I sat my phone on my bedside table and leaned back onto the bed, closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I felt a presence. I opened my eyes, fear consuming every bone in my body as I sat up, straining my bruised abdomen to try and grab my phone. When I went for it there was nothing there. I felt my heart pick up speed as I turned to see Hisoka, standing over me with my phone in hand, a stupid smirk on his face. I was so pissed it took me a moment longer to register the sharp card only a few inches from my left eye. I stopped and sucked in my breath, realizing he was trying to say that if I tried to defend myself or scream he would take my eye.
"Evening~," I bit my lip and watched him. I couldn't respond even if I wanted to. He appeared to take pleasure in this as he watched the anger and resentment on my face and the determination in my eyes.
"What... do... you... want?" I whispered, my voice hoarse and strained. He just flipped open my phone and looked through it, an air of power and slight interest surrounding him. He raised an eyebrow slightly and I knew he was looking at my texts to Kurapika.
"Stop.. that.... private.." I strained my voice desperately. He frowned for a moment then sighed, placing my phone back on the table but out of my reach. I watched him as he takes a step towards me, his eyes focused on his prey. I stared back at him, letting my fear fall away. I refused to back down. At the last second, he quickly cut my cheek with his card then disappeared. My eyes widened as I saw blood fall onto the blanket. I quickly reach over and press the button for the nurse. Soon they come in and ask about what happened. A single joker card was left on my phone. My eyes widen as I see it. It was a threat and I knew it. God, I hated that fucked clown.
I lied and said it was just an argument between friends and the nurse scolded me, saying I can't let myself get hurt and other nagging. For a moment I took comfort in it as I remember my father saying the same things to me while patching me up from training with mom. Then the memory of his hanging body overrides my mind and any comfort I had. I didn't realize I was dissociating until I heard my phone ring. The nurses had left and I grabbed my phone. It was Kurapika. I pick up and hold it to my ear.
"Suki! How did your fight with Hisoka go?" Tears fill my eyes and I finally let them fall as I try my best to explain with my hoarse voice.
"He was there?" Kurapika asked. I could feel his bloodlust through the phone.
"Yeah..." I croaked, wiping my tears.
"I'm going to kill that bastard." His voice was solid, his resolve absolute.
"We will. One day... wait for me until then, alright?" I asked. I wanted to help him. I knew this pain was enormous and I knew that revenge wouldn't heal it but still... I had to.
"I will. Now go get some sleep, love." My heart skipped a beat. What had he just called me? Love?
"You too... sleep well," I hung up and the world felt like it was spinning. Love? He used a pet name for me... I was blushing and I set my phone down, falling against my pillow. I shoved my head into it, acting like the teenage girl I was supposed to be, and eventually fell asleep.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now