3. New x Friends x New x Enemies

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A/N The picture right here is what Akasuki looks like! I did use a base for the body but everything else is my drawing! I hope you're enjoying my story!

A/N The picture right here is what Akasuki looks like! I did use a base for the body but everything else is my drawing! I hope you're enjoying my story!

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After a couple of minutes, the examiner picked up his speed to a steady jog. I sighed and realized that this was most likely the first phase. It appeared to be an endurance test as well.
Lovely. I thought. Thankfully, I had invested time into learning to conjure roller blades on the bottoms of my shoes.
Even though I was only seventeen, I was pretty good at nen. My mom had started teaching me when I was ten and I had the basics down by the time I was twelve. I discovered I was a conjurer fairly quickly and started my study. As it stood then, I could conjure three objects. Roller skates that attach to whatever shoes I'm wearing, bandages, and vines. My vines are my strongest and most developed nen object because they are what I use in battle. They are fairly strong but I still have a lot of work to do strengthening them. I would never forget all the days I spent in the jungle, swinging on, carrying, using, and feeling vines. It took the year and a half in between the beginning of my training and my mom's death to develop them to be strong enough to properly use but I had been working on making them stronger ever since.
Bandages were next but since they didn't have to be nearly as strong as my vines took only about a year to fully master and after, roller skates only took about six months. In the end, however, although I focus on my vines, I still practice and work on my skates and bandages as well.
To conjure my skates I jump a foot off the ground and then they form on the bottom of my shoes before I land. I did this, thankful I invested my energy into making skates because now I was able to keep up without sapping my energy too much.
After a little bit of skating, a strange boy with messy white hair and striking blue eyes started skating next to me, except he was using a skateboard. I smiled at him.
"Looks like we had the same idea," He commented. I nodded. His aura was peculiar as well. His was a lighter purple, almost violet with soft waves and ripples. It would be almost calming if it weren't for the tendrils of a black floating around him like snakes. It was peculiar and reminded me a lot of 301's aura. I normally only saw such similarities in families and so I decided to ask,
"Hey, are you related to number 301 by any chance?" The white-haired boy looked like he was thinking for a moment then shook his head no. I nodded. Perhaps it was nothing...
"Anyways, I'm Suki, what's your name?" I asked him as we skated. He looked up and responded;
"Killua." I smiled at him, holding out my hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you Killua," he looked away, face red with embarrassment. I let my hand fall back to my side.
"Y-yeah." He said, trying to hide his emotions. I thought it was peculiar but I supposed that I acted the same way towards things I wasn't used to. Was this kid not used to kindness? Before I could say anything else though, Gon ran up next to us and the two boys immediately hit it off.
They introduced themselves and started talking effortlessly. It was honestly incredible to watch. As they did I fell back to talk to Kurapika and Leorio.
"Look at them," I said, smiling. "The only two kids here are already friends," Kurapika smiled.
"So, what are you guys planning to do if you get your Hunters license?" I asked, skating backward so I could look at them face to face as we spoke.
"I'm going to become strong enough to face the Phantom Troupe, then hunt them down, one by one," Kurapika said, his voice solidified with certainty and conviction.
"Be careful.." I said softly. Honestly, if the Phantom Troupe was as bad as I heard they were I wasn't sure how one person could take them on.. but then again, only time would tell. "What about you Leorio?"
"I'm going to go back to medical school and finish what I started!" He exclaimed, grinning slightly. I smiled. Then they were both looking at me expectantly. I glance back at Gon.
"If we both get our Hunters license then I'm going to tag along on his adventures for now.. I want to be able to protect him, and anyone we come across on the way." My voice was soft but sure and their reception was warm.
"That's a good goal," Kurapika said. I nodded. After a couple of hours of running (or skating in my case), we made it aboveground. It felt good to breathe in the fresh air again but not so great was that the forest we would be traveling through was full of dangerous beasts and the like. I sighed and let go of my conjured skates.
Hopefully, I could at least let my nen rest for the rest of phase one. As Satotz explained the dangers of the forest, a starved looking man came out from behind the entrance and said something about being the "real" examiner while Satotz was just a man faced ape. I didn't believe it for a second. Their auras were very different and while Satotz's was very unique, powerful and it was obvious he knew nen, the imposter's aura was weak and barren. I sighed and waited for him to be shown as a fake when Hisoka threw nen-laced cards at both the imposter and Satotz. Satotz caught his half-assed attack easily while the imposter died from the sharp, nen enhanced cards.
My eyes widened slightly at the speed and point of the cards, but I wasn't that surprised. After Hisoka was warned about attacking examiners (for the second time), we moved on and continued following Satotz.
All was going well until I realized I had somehow got separated from everyone. I realized Gon might be alone and possibly in danger so I focused, searching for his familiar aura. I was able to sense aura fairly well, especially if I knew the person and committed their aura to memory, which I had with Gon.
As soon as I sensed him, I started walking in that direction. As I got closer I grew more and more concerned. I felt two people, a very strong aura and maybe... Leorio? The third aura felt familiar but I wasn't sure who it was just yet.
As soon as I sensed the powerful aura I started sprinting towards Gon. My heart was beating out of my chest as the fear that Gon was hurt filled my body. As I got closer I realized Gon and the nen user were fighting. Shit! This wasn't good, fuck fuck fuck! I picked up my speed, running as fast as I possibly could until I came into a clearing. In it, I saw Hisoka holding Gon by the neck. My eyes widened in fear.
"Gon!" I screamed, my voice cracking. Before I could even think of a strategy, I released my conjured vines, reaching to smack Hisoka's arm so would he let go of Gon. He saw my attack and easily dodged it, my vines falling back to the ground before returning to me. My breathing was heavy as sweat rolled down my face. He was stronger than me, and Gon, my little cousin who I loved, was in danger. Shit shit shit! How could I have let this happen? After what I told Mito, Kurapika, Leorio, and myself? I had to do something. Move damnit! I scolded myself, gritting my teeth. But despite my efforts, I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe as my eyes drifted to Gon's small frame struggling for breath.
"Not bad nen~" Hisoka commented, holding his finger out to point to me. I felt such anger and fear inside me that every part of me felt sluggish and heavy. Still, I took notice when his grip on Gon loosened slightly.
"Just let him go please! He's just a kid!" I yelled, desperate. Then I realized. If I couldn't beat him, then the next bet would be to throw him off his game. I didn't need to beat him. I only needed to escape safely with my friends. Realizing this, I took a deep breath and focused on my ability, looking for the name of his nen abilities. Bungee gum? Texture surprise? What the hell kind of names are those? Whatever. They were so out there no one could have guessed them without knowing the names. My plan could work! I started walking in a slow circle, keeping my breathing steady and rhythmic.
"Bungee gum and texture surprise, huh?" I said simply but with conviction. His lips twisted into a smile. Then, he dropped Gon and started walking towards an unconscious Leorio. My heart skipped a beat in surprise and happiness as I ran to Gon. He gasped for breath and kept an eye on Hisoka as I checked him for any wounds. Before Hisoka reached Leorio, I turned around and watched as he turned to me and smiled, bringing his finger up.
"You know, you really should be more vigilant dear~" That's when he made a 'come here' motion with his finger and suddenly I was flying across the field. I dug my ankles into the grass so I managed to stop my body in time but it didn't prevent me from being so close that Hisoka's face was only inches away. Frantically, I used gyo and saw his aura attached to my cheek.
So, this must be bungee gum. I felt my heart rate increase as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I was frozen in shock and fear as I felt my braid swinging behind my back.
I knew that Hisoka could kill me, then kill my friends without breaking a sweat. The realization that I was so utterly helpless despite all my training weighed on me so heavily so that I could barely breathe.
Hisoka smiled as his eyes met mine and he leaned in close, whispering into my ear.
"Someone with the Third Eye should be much more secretive about it," He purred, his voice airy and full of malice and power. Suddenly, all the air was gone from my lungs. He leaned back and took his aura off of me, a look of amusement on his face. Then he walked away, leaving me in my shock. Very few people alive knew about Third Eye, so how the fuck did he?
"I trust you two can make it to the second phase?" He asked, picking up Leorio. My eyes widened but I saw no bloodlust in his aura. So I doubted he wanted to kill Leorio. I turned and saw Gon nod and I do too.
"Lovely! See you two in the next phase~" Hisoka then turns and leaves, leaving me and Gon in our shock and confusion.

How the hell did he know?

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now