6. A x Attempted x Assassination

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TW: Scars. (Not self-inflicted but in a similar area where self-inflicted scars might be.)

Eventually, the morning came and we were allowed to leave the room with only a couple of hours to spare.
Soon after, we made our way out of Trick Tower as closer friends than when we had entered. Once we were out I held up my hand.
"High fives?" I asked, grinning. Gon was the first, then Killua, Leorio, and finally Kurapika. When his hand touched mine I recalled the moment we had shared in that tiny room in Trick Tower and blushed. He appeared to as well and gave me a warm smile in return. I scanned the crowd to see who remained. Although I wasn't surprised, I was disappointed to see Hisoka and 301 among them. Absentmindedly, I wondered what the next phase would be.
I realized I'd find out soon as one by one, the examiner had each of us pull a number from a box. We soon learned that the next phase would take place over the course of a week. We would be dropped on an island with the goal to get six points by stealing other examinees number badges. The easiest way to get all six points was to get your targets badge while keeping a hold of your own. I stood over the box, hoping to get one of the weaker ones I could take on easily. I squeeze my eyes shut and stick my hand in, pulling one card out.
I start to open my eyes and tear off the paper. The assigned badge that will be worth three points to me is... 301.
You're shitting me, right? I groaned, realizing I'll have to get three separate badges as well as keeping my own. There was no way in hell I was going to go after 301. I walk back to my friends, disappointed and annoyed. I was hoping to get my target's number then be able to relax for a couple of days but clearly, it wouldn't be that easy.
After some more explanation, we board the boat to take us to Zevil Island. I find a seat next to Kurapika as we depart, watching the sunset and breathing in the salty sea breeze. Most people had hidden their badges, except for a couple of us. 301, Hisoka, and I were the only three I noticed who hadn't bothered hiding ours. I wondered whose badges they'd pulled? Preferably not mine. I really didn't want to have to fight them. I doubted I could win so then I'd have to find three more people to steal badges from...
"What are you thinking?" Kurapika asked, interrupting my train of thought with his wide, knowing eyes.
"I'm thinking about how I'm going to get three more badges," I admitted, turning to Kurapika. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I noticed as he bit the inside of his lip. He looks really cute...
"What do you mean? You only need your target's badge," I frowned and blushed as I realized what I had been thinking. How stupid of me... In spite of myself, I show him my target's number. His eyes widened and he nodded.
"I see." I sighed and watched the others, trying not to blush from embarrassment. Why was he so attractive? And why was I just realizing it now? Ugh, emotions are the worst...
"Why haven't you hid your badge?" He asked me, once again knocking me out of my own stupid thoughts. I blushed and turned to see him pointing to the badge still plainly lain on my chest. I shrugged.
"I'm confident in my ability to not get killed," I said, looking back at my pants. There were a few rips. A good distraction from these feelings... I sighed and grabbed my backpack, talking out the little sewing kit I had. I took off my pants and sat in my shorts, starting to sew the rips.
I noticed Kurapika looking at my bare legs, or to be more exact, the scars on them. One good thing about my pants is that although you could see my legs through them, they were concealed enough you couldn't see the scars.
"They aren't self-inflicted," I said, not looking up and trying desperately to stay focused and not blush at the cute guy looking at my legs.
"Oh I- I didn't mean t-" Kurapika stammered, his face flushing red with embarrassment. I looked at him and I felt a flutter in my chest. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to press my lips to his... SUKI, snap out of it! I shook my head and roused myself from my thoughts. God, I'm so stupid! I have more important things to worry about right now instead of my first crush on a boy...
"It's fine. If I really didn't want you to notice I would've waited to fix up my pants." I interrupted him and his face calmed again. I felt relief as I looked at his calm expression. Part of me wondered if he thought of me the way I was thinking of him... Was he also barely restraining himself from pressing our lips together?
"What.. what happened?" He asked, looking at my scars, his face red with embarrassment as he appeared to shake off a thought.
My scars were in all different directions with varying severity. I shrugged and pulled the needle in and out of the seam, trying to bury my thoughts and feelings for the time being.
"A lot. I mean I tagged along with my mom on a few missions before she died so some are from those. Some are from the years after she died when I was training and finally, some are just from roughhousing in the jungle," I told him as I finished sewing the last rip. I put my pants back on, covering my scars once more.
I had quite a few on my arms too but for some reason, people were always more concerned by my legs. I could never really understand why.
"The jungle? You must have had quite the childhood," Kurapika commented, smiling a little. I blushed at his smile, how innocent and kind yet powerful it seemed. I returned the smile and nodded.
"Yeah... my dad and I traveled with my mom most of the time, but because of my mom's missions and my dad's job, we ended up in the jungle a lot. After my mom died, my dad settled in the jungle. So even if I've never had a solid home, I always consider jungles to be my home.." I admitted, placing my sewing kit back in my bag. Kurapika nodded in understanding. We talked a little bit longer before arriving at our location: Zevil Island. One by one we departed the ship. I was third to last.
"See ya," I said to my remaining friends before heading into the wild. The fresh air and nature all around me was a relief after the few days in Trick Tower. The sun beating down on my tanned skin and the breeze on my sweat glistened skin was relaxing and cleared my head. As it did, my thoughts drifted to Kurapika. His shaggy blonde hair that framed his eyes and his skinny, dainty fingers.. the way his lips looked when he smiled and the glint in his eyes when he was happy.. the thoughts of him crowded my mind until I eventually I found my way to a river and decided to focus on the task at hand.
As I saw the running water and fish inside, I grinned. I was finally able to take a bath! Weary I was being followed, I stripped but kept my bra and shorts on. I had a spare pair of clothes that I had brought and would change into after. I grabbed a bar of soap and walked into the river, humming to myself as I cleaned. I felt at home in nature. I always had, which is why I immediately noticed when an arrow came flying past my head. I decided not to catch it in case it was laced with poison and conjured my vines to knock it aside instead. It fell into the river and went with the current downstream. I sighed and frowned. I was expecting an attack sooner or later but already? How annoying.
I yawned and started walking back to shore. "Seriously? I mean attacking a girl while she's bathing? Now that's just low.." I taunted as I walked out of the water. When I reached the shore I bent over and put my soap back then threw on my tank top. Then I took out my badge, holding it high above my head.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" I taunted. At that moment, someone did. A seemingly adult man came out of the bushes to my left, attacking with a sword in his hand.
"Ooo I get to practice my sword-fighting!" I exclaimed, conjuring my vines. As I did, I practiced something I had recently started on. I formed my vines into the shape of a sword and strengthened them with all my emotion and strength in me. Then, I met the man's metal sword with my vine one and held the block. When I looked at him his blue eyes sparked in shock and anger.
"You damn brat!" He exclaimed, activating his ren. I smile and use ten, easily shielding myself from his feeble ren. I realized that although this man was no nen user, he was learning the basics. So he knew something after all. Part of me wondered just how much he knew.. I bring my hands slightly above my head and dig my heels into the ground. My sword is pointing down, enveloping my body in a way that protects me and makes turning into an attack very easy. I felt my muscles bulge as I tense up, ready for anything from my attacker.
Then, I felt an arrow fly towards my calf. I dodge it at the last minute which breaks my stance and leaves a weak point for my front facing opponent. He runs at me, putting his ren into his fist, and punches me in the stomach. I gasp and fly back, my body hitting a nearby tree, making a cracking sound.
Suddenly, I wasn't having fun anymore. I was pissed. I use en and quickly realize my attacker had a partner in the shadows. SHIT! I was too confident earlier. If I had just used en I would have avoided this. Seething with anger and pain, I stand up, ready to go all out. My aura darkens and I saw the other man's aura falter in fear.
Then I summoned my vines from my back like a spider's legs. I call this ability Natural Predator. Natural Predator attacked the man and grab him, then threw him against the same tree I hit. I hear the sickening crack of bones breaking and turn my attention to the second attacker. So much anger and bloodlust had filled my aura that I didn't even recognize myself.
But still, I moved forward. The archer shoots more arrows at me which I easily catch with Natural Predator. Then he tried to run but I grabbed his ankles with my vines, wrapping them around him and tipping him upside down. He's dripping with sweat and fear as my cold, unblinking expression met his terrified one.
"Please don't kill me! I'm sorry I'll give you my badge and never bother you again I-" I cut him off by laughing uncontrollably, my previous demeanor completely gone. The man seemed uneasy and frankly, petrified. Once I got a hold of myself I just smiled.
"I'm not going to kill you! Jesus, who do you think I am?" I exclaimed, wiping a tear of laughter from my eye. I quickly flit through his clothing and find his badge. I take it from him then have Natural Predator place him in a high tree and put his weapons pretty far away from him. Next, I go to his partner and fix up his wounds, setting him up on the trunk of the tree his friend is in, and take his badge as well. Finally, I'm able to release Natural Predator and head back to my stuff, grabbing it and placing their badges with my own items.
"Thanks for the fight and the two points! Good luck with the rest of phase four, guys! Ta ta~!" I blow the two absolutely bewildered and terrified men a kiss then skip away into the horizon.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now