4. Eggs x and x Memories

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Gon and I eventually made our way to the second phase, meeting up with Kurapika along the way. I was clearly shaken. I braided my hair self consciously as we walked, fidgeting to keep my mind off Hisokas words. Kurapika noticed and put a concerned hand on my shoulder.
"Suki... are you okay?" I jumped slightly at his touch but nodded. Gon looked back at us but only for a moment before explaining exactly what happened with Hisoka. I listened to it from his point of view, interested in how Gon took the interaction. One thing that made me relieved but confused was that Gon didn't mention my nen vines at all.
"What did he say to you?" Gon asked, falling back in step with Kurapika and me. I sighed and thought of a good way to respond. I didn't want to lie to my friends, but I didn't want to tell them about my ability. Not yet at least.
"Something that no one was supposed to know... I'm sorry, I can't tell you what it is right now for my own safety but.. the only people I've told about what he told me are now dead. There's no way he could know..." I said, trailing off as my voice filled with anger and fear. Kurapika nodded understandingly and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Gon smiled at me reassuringly then walked forward, leading the way.
Silence ruled the rest of the walk. Tension filled the air as we journeyed through the swamp and we wondered, would we make it back in time? We weren't sure but we eventually came into a clearing where a few dozen people were waiting for the second phase.
"I wonder where Leorio is.." Gon thought aloud, looking around at everyone.
Just then we caught sight of Hisoka, an innocent smile on his face as he pointed to his right. Even seeing him again made me feel intimidated and angry. God, I needed to snap out of it! I scolded myself then followed Gon and Kurapika to Leorio, who smiled at us. We greeted him and explained what happened as I looked him over for any injuries. There weren't any cuts or anything but I knew that if there were, Leorio would've dressed them already. I furrowed my brow in concern as I looked at his bruised cheek. He noticed this and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Suki, I'm alright! I promise." My eyes widened and I stepped back, clearing my throat. I nodded simply.
"I'm glad you are, but if either of you two does something that stupid again, gods help me I will kill you myself!" I said, smacking both Leorio and Gon on the back of their heads. They winced in pain and I saw Killua snicker.
"Oh ho ho! Do you wanna get smacked too?" I asked, mom mode on as I started walking towards him. He started laughing harder which resulted in me chasing him around the waiting area as we both laughed, the previously grim demeanor changed in an instant. By the time we got back to Leorio, Kurapika, and Gon, the first phase was officially over and Killua and I were finally done laughing. As I looked at my new friends, I felt joy and pride overwhelm me. We had gotten this far, so we could surely do this together!

The first half of the second phase went terribly. It resulted in Menchi, the examiner, and prestigious Gourmet Hunter trying to fail everyone. Thankfully, she was stopped by the Chairman and we were taken to Split Mountain, where the real second phase would begin. In order to pass, we had to properly take possession of a spider-eagle egg and boil it. As soon as I heard we were heading to Split Mountain, I knew what we were doing and I was absolutely ecstatic. Because of my parent's professions, I was very well acquainted with wildlife and spider-eagles. I had gotten an egg of theirs one time for training with my mom. (Except she had safety precautions in place so I wouldn't die-) I remembered being terrified at the time but now I was just excited to do it again.
As everyone jumped in I watched as they held onto the web for dear life, including my friends. I bit my lip and hoped they wouldn't let go before the draft came. The anxiety was overwhelming as the web started to break. I was just about to try and help them when I felt the draft incoming. Overjoyed, I jumped in a skydiving motion, screaming in joy.
"WHOOOO HOOOO!" I yelled, grabbing an egg then riding the updraft. After we ate our meals in confidence, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. We had earned this delicious meal and I walked over to Menchi, smiling.
"Thank you for this opportunity. I went here many years ago with my mom to do this very thing... I never thought I'd get the experience again... So, thank you, Ms. Menchi!" I said sincerity in my voice as I looked at the attractive, teal haired woman. She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder, tilting her head to the side slightly.
"I have no clue what kind of childhood you had to do this when you were younger, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Eat up!" I smiled back at her and walked back to my friends, images of my parents in my mind.
As we ate, Killua turned to me.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, his blue eyes full of mystery and curiosity. After I finished chewing I blushed, memories coming to mind.
"My parents.. more specifically, my mom and the last time I was here," I admitted, looking embarrassed. Gon turned, hearing our conversation.
"You've been here before? Want to tell us about it?" My face flushed red at my little cousin's words and I started shaking my leg self consciously.
"I... I don't know, it'll probably bore you guys.." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear and looking at the ground.
"Not at all! I want to hear!" Leorio said, smiling at me. Kindness gleamed in his soft eyes and his aura was pure and loving.
"Yeah, me too!" Kurapika said softly, looking at me reassuringly. His aura had also shifted. It was calmer and happier. The rage inside him was still there but, for now, it had taken a backseat.
"Yeah, I'm interested," Killua admitted, and I could tell from his aura he was telling the truth.
My heart felt warm again and tears came to my eyes as memories swelled in my mind and their kindness overwhelmed me. I wiped away the tears and spent the rest of the break telling them about my parents. I told them about my mom's laugh, her catchphrase she would always say like she was in a cartoon, and the way her hair glistened in the sun. I also told them about my dad, the way his green eyes looked at me and my mom with such love and care, how his glasses reflected the ocean water in the summer, how careful and kind he was to animals, and how it contrasted how awkward and shy he was to humans.
As I talked, my parents felt alive again. Not literally, but in my mind. When I told my friends about them, I remembered and focused on their lives, rather than their deaths which I had been so focused on for so long. I felt free and happy for the first time in a while. It was truly freeing.
And as my friends smiled back at me, laughed at my jokes, and listened intently, I knew that I wasn't alone.

Trials and Tribulations - A Kurapika x FEM!O.C. Fanfiction (HUNTER X HUNTER)Where stories live. Discover now