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After Luke and I had made up, everything went back to normal. It was always the boys and I, and two mornings a week were only Luke and I’s at the diner for breakfast. We’d sometimes even make it three or four if we felt like it. School had been going quite well, uninteresting but okay. 

Exams were next week and I was extremely nervous due to the fact that these tests were super important towards my college application. I was as usual, freaking out while the boys assured me it’d all go well and Ashton offered to help me out since he’d already taken them. Michaels level of chill was actually starting to worry me, “you sure that you’re prepared?” I asked him for the hundredth time as we entered the cafeteria.  “I promise I’ll do fine” he chuckled and shook his head.

“I’m just really worried I’m going to flunk math” I set down my tray on the table. “I’ll tutor you” Luke implied. He was a genius when it came to math and science and outstandingly smart when it came to school. He was just kind of a lame dork so he didn’t seem like it. “thank you” I smiled, partly because I was glad I had a genius tutoring me and partly because that genius happened to be Luke.

I changed into my oversized batman shirt and settled onto my bed with a large book as I studied the highlighted lines for what seemed like over a twenty four hours. As I flipped through the last page I felt my head fall on the hard covered book and doze off. 

I was rudely awakened by the constant buzzing of my phone, “what!” I groaned rudely into my phone. “well hey there cranky” Luke chuckled, “I was asleep” I rubbed my neck which was now in severe pain. “I’m downstairs and I can’t find your key in it’s usual hiding place” I could hear his fingers tapping on the door. “I’ll be right- wait how do you know where my house keys are?” I asked but interrupted him before he could answer “don’t answer that”.

“hey” I swung the door open, letting him in. I began slowly moving my neck due to the pain it seemed to have on me. “whats wrong?” he asked shifting closer to me, “uh- I slept really weird and I don’t know it hurts” I whined. “turn around” he put his backpack down and I turned around, giving him my back. “sit down actually” he took his lip ring in between his teeth before quickly revealing it once more. 

Luke’s hands were comforting yet they sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach erupt with butterflies. I tried not to be nervous in front of him, I really did. But his hands were roaming my back, massaging it, I just hope he couldn’t hear the sound of my heart racing this fast. “there you go”  he timidly smiled, “thanks” I pressed my lips together. 

He tutored me for a while and then left because it was a school night and it was getting late. I must admit I felt upset that he had to leave, my mind went back to the night when he first sang to me, when we almost kissed. What if Michael never came in? Would it all have been different? My mind was consumed with all these questions which flooded my brain until I eventually dozed off, with nothing but the sound of his voice echoing in my brain. 

“I’m thinking of dying my hair purple you guys” Michael stated as he ruffled through his now, fading pink hair. “I must admit you’d look good in purple” I shrugged. “Yeah, it suited me once before. But I’m still torn between lilac and really dark purple” he took his bottom lip in with his teeth. “Lilac” Calum stated and Luke nodded approvingly. “Enough about hair colors though” I started but was immediately interrupted by Michaels groan. “Please do not tell me you were going to say something about school” he threw his head back in frustration. “Ha-ha, I was just about to say I was willing to buy us some Ed Sheeran tickets for his concert next month, but you go on and talk about your hair” I threw my hair over my shoulder making Luke chuckle slightly. 

“Ed Sheeran you say? Hmm, you’ve got my full and undivided attention” Michael fits his chin into the palm of his hand. “Don’t I always?” I scoffed. “Feisty this one” Calum threw his hand over my shoulder. “And difficult geez” Luke joined in, taking a bite from his meal. “Pushy, don’t forget pushy” Michael added. “Way to compliment a girl who just offered you Ed Sheeran tickets, you guys are pricks” I scoffed making them burst in laughter. “you know we love you” Calum tilted his head on my shoulder, “yeah, you’re like a cute cuddly penguin” Luke nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck and Michael grabbed my hand. “But you’re still really pushy” They added making me once more burst in laughter. God, I lived for moments like these. 

Ashton came to pick us up after school so we could go back to study at his place. That however did not turn out as horrible as I hoped, because we actually did end up studying most of the time and joking around for a bit. As we were about to leave, I could hear a pair of converse catch up to me. “hey” I slightly bumped Luke’s shoulder, “whats up” he bumped my shoulder back. “I’m heading home, how about you?” I asked, stuffing my hands into my jean pockets. “I’m actually taking you somewhere” he pressed his lips and subtly stared at me. “Uh- I mean if you want to, like I get it if you’re busy and stuff” he started mumbling, his expression turned into an awkward and shy one. “lead the way, you dork” I mocked making him smile.

After a long silent walk with a few grazed hands and bumped shoulders, I was led into a park that was unfamiliar to me. The grass was freshly watered, although the place had been completely deserted. There had been two swing sets, a very tiny climbing wall, and two slides. Luke sat down under the only tree, he patted next to him gesturing for me to sit. “Its pretty” I took a look at the place. “whats so special about it though?” I curiously asked Luke. “I used to come here a lot when I was a kid” he simply shrugged. “mhm, so why’d you bring me here?” I looked over to him, he had been still. 

A few seconds passed by and he stayed silent, I was assuming he didn’t hear me. Which was impossible due to the silence. “It’s pretty..” he trailed off as he cocked his head at me. “whats that have to do with me?” I looked back at him, my voice was now in a hushed tone. “I don’t know, I just really like taking you to all these small intimate, really pretty places, you know?” he mumbled, “its our thing”.

After a while we ended up having actual fun, like just fooling around, sliding, swinging and falling over, mostly Luke though. We had been laying on our backs now, facing the clouds. Luke had been telling me a few lame jokes he’d heard in the boys locker rooms. “Luke” I felt myself saying almost instantly, his name was now a force of habit, I would say it for absolutely no reason at all. “Mhm?” he hummed, “thank you” I was unsure of what exactly it was I was thanking him for, but I felt the need to say it. “for what?” he asked curiously. “I don’t know, for everything. You’ve really gone out of your way to…” my voice trailed off trying to find the right words. “To make me feel at home” I gulped. This was home now, and it felt even more at home when he was by my side.

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