You Figured Me Out

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It’s been exactly a week, since Luke and I took out all our issues on my front yard. His words kept replaying in my brain, I’d find myself smiling and blushing. I was in this bubble, that kept being popped by the words ‘I can’t’. Over and over, I would picture him leaving me there in the driveway. I of course being the overdramatic teenage girl I was, took it out on a gallon of Ice Cream, tweeting and a chick flick marathon. Which resulted me to cry a little, which I didn’t mind doing. It made me feel better, to just cry and not really think about why I was crying. 

I hadn’t really seen him this week, except for class where we avoided eye contact. I would usually hang out with either Michael, Calum or Ashton separately because the other was with Luke. They found it really annoying because they all wanted to hang out with each other, and so I compromised and hung out with Megan. Which pissed them off even more, because they meant the five of us. I wanted that too, but I could not face him. Not a single fucking molecule in my body would be okay to stand within inches of him and not want him more. I didn’t want to want him, I didn’t want to need him. But unfortunately, I did.

“You excited for the lesson?” Megan shoved her books in the locker while huffing. “Yeah, why whats up with todays lesson?” I questioned, hoping I hadn’t missed any assignments. “we have to present that huge assignment thing, you know?” she continued walking to class. “which one?” I asked again, the annoyance clear in my tone. “where you have to write something that changed your life or some shit” oh my god no, not now. “i thought this was due by the end of the year?” I asked surely, hoping she’d remember and brush it off as another one of her mistakes. “nope, the teacher said that she wanted it sooner, someone wasn’t paying attention” she tapped my nose. This was not going to go well.

I wrote the goddamn thing almost as soon as she told us about it, I just wasn’t ready to say it out loud. Not now, not in front of people. Actual breathing living people, who were capable of judging me. Not in front of Luke.

After hearing a boy speak about his new phone, and a few other inspiring assignments. I was nervous. I hope Luke went up before me. “Luke Hemmings” the teacher spoke loudly to get the class to simmer down. The weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I really needed to see his before I did anything stupid. 

He looked really nervous, I hadn’t really looked at him for a while. God I missed that face, he was perfection. He picked up a guitar which had been stashed with his bag. “uh… this was something. I uh wrote about someone very special to me, who changed my life in more than one way…” his voice trailed off as he gulped. I was almost certain that I had misheard him, this wasn’t going to be about me. But who else would it be about? 

“Tonight we're fading fast

I just wanna make this last

If I could say the things that I want to say,

I'd find a way to make you stay

I'd never let you get away

Catch you in all the games we've played

So go ahead, rip my heart out,

Show me what love's all about

Go ahead, rip my heart out

That's what love's all about

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