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When you’re in love, nothing else matters. Nothing but the person you love. It doesn’t matter what you have to loose and what you have to sacrifice, if its for the love of your life, it really doesn’t matter. “Luke, what the hell are you doing?” I rolled my eyes before catching up to Luke, who was dragging the small sofa in his room into the trunk of his car. “You’ll see” he chuckled, “a little help here?” he shouted to Jack who was casually watching him and laughing. I was in love, with the biggest dork in history.

“We look absolutely insane” I chuckled, nuzzling my head into his chest. “You’re absolutely insane” he teased, pulling me closer. “No, my boyfriend is” I looked up at him, as he gave me a peck on the lips. “I like hearing you say that” he bit his lip making my stomach flutter. God, the things this boy could make me feel just by biting his lip. We were literally, sitting on a sofa, at the beach. “I would like to know what the point of this is?” I laughed, still not comprehending where Luke even got this idea. “I saw it in a movie” he rolled his eyes. After a moment of silence, I quietly asked him “Do you think it will get better?” Unsure of what I really meant by asking him that question. “It will baby” he kissed my forehead. And just like that, every negative emotion in my body faded away. 

“I call dibs on your batman shirt” I whined, taking a hold of it and throwing it on before he even had time to argue. I got into bed and dug my face into one of his pillows, they smelt like him. I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. “how about I read you a bedtime story?” he asked childishly making me laugh. My boyfriend was a tall giant with broad shoulders and the brain of a twelve year old, god I loved him. “go ahead” I giggled and rested my head on his shoulder as he continuously grazed his fingers on my arm.

“Once upon a time, lived a….” his eyes scanned around the room “penguin!” he exclaimed excitedly, “original” I chuckled, “shush let me finish.” he continued his story. Which was about a penguin who wanted Nandos but couldn’t get any because he lived in the North Pole and so he had to take this long journey to the nearest Nandos…” I ended up sleeping before Luke’s poor penguin got to Nandos. But even though my eyes were closed, my brain was functioning still. “I love you, so much” he whispered and kissed the tip of my nose before laying down next to me and falling asleep. I love you, too.

School was a drag, as per usual. I couldn’t find Luke at the end of the day so I texted him instead. 

A: hai, where you at?

L: in class, waiting for the teacher to arrive :-(

A: the school day is over Lucas, you know that right?

L: yeah, i have this extra class thing.

A: well anyways, have fun nerd.

L: don’t hate the player, hate the game.


L: you’re so stupid 

L: jk jk jk 

L: I’m sorry

L: i didn’t mean to call you stupid i swear

L: sorry 

A: haha babe its ok

L: okay good, I’m sorry

A: lol focus on your class, text me later x

L: ok, love you x

L: you’re really smart btw

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