You should love her
Feed and care for her.
She is yours
And yours alone.
You have watched her
Grow strong and tall
Talented and smart
Cry and laugh.
She is your daughter
A light in your eyes
Her first boyfriend
You threaten
That if he hurts her
You'll make him
Wish he hadn't.
Show her you love her
For she doesn't know
I too am not sure
She is like Cinderella
With no fairy god mother
She cries
But you are def
She still smiles
But you are blind
She works
But you do not notice
Clean your ears
And hear her
Wipe the mud
From your eyes and see
Look around you
And notice what she
Alone has done
Love her
Care for her
For she is your one and
Only daughter, and she does not know how to fell love or tenderness because you don't show it.
She smiles but you don't see the tears
She cries all alone because she is afraid you will poke fun
Be a man and love her
Like a father should.
She grows like a flower and all too soon she'll be
My Poems
PoetryThis is my poems that I write whenever I'm mad, sad, happy, or just feel the need to creat something. It was called "Arts" but I feel that that title didn't fit any more. I really hope you guys get a chance to read this and tell me what you think!