
19 1 0

Sitting there trying

Trying to name all the feelings

The feelings you can't name

You can name a few

Love, confusion, longing, and

A yearning to be loved back

A yearning to be able to tell them

So badly you want them to know

You need them to know that you're in love with them.

But you know that you can't

You can't risk them leaving you

So now you label your self

Just a friend.

A friend who wants you

to hold their hand,

To kiss them,

To tell them its going to be ok,

And a friend who wants to be more

Than just a friend.

Knowing could make

Everything ok.

Knowing could also make

Everything end.

Sit there name the

Love for them, the

Confusion you feel about them, the

Longing and yearning to be with them

And still knowing

That you can't tell them

Because knowing could just make

Everything End.

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