Another soul leaves
No one felt it go
The soul was a good one
But now it's all but forgotten
It left like a whisper
So quick and quiet
Few tears get shed
Quickly forgotten and quickly replaced
New sadness, new joy, new happiness
Take the place of the few moments
That the soul was remembered
No felt it
So quick so quiet
In years to come
Who will remember this soul?
It was a good one
So here in my free verse
I will remember the forgotten soul
But I fear I too shall forget it
The soul was good
And it left to be born again
Another soul leaves
But no one felt it go
So quick and quiet
That it easily get forgotten
My Poems
PoetryThis is my poems that I write whenever I'm mad, sad, happy, or just feel the need to creat something. It was called "Arts" but I feel that that title didn't fit any more. I really hope you guys get a chance to read this and tell me what you think!