My smile is fake
But people can't tell
A picture is just a flash
That captures one second
And A laugh
last only a moment.
People say I have
A beautiful smile
And lively eyes
But I am hiding
I hide behind laughter
And false smiles
Your eyes fool you.
People say Im
Full of life
Yet I feel dead
No matter what I do
My heart feels empty
Void of anything that is not pain.
People say I am warm
But really Im cold
My lips white
My breath mist in the air
It hurts to breath
I am cold
I am empty, alone,
Angry, and sad.
I also am ignored,
Yelled at, lost, forgotten.
And sometimes I think I would be better remembered if I was just a memory...
A small flicker
In the back of your mind.
The memory of the girl who's eyes would light up when she smiled,
the girl who was so full of life,
the girl who was ignored by her family hated by her brother,
Or perhaps,
The girl who's smile only lasted a second but made a memory in time.
Your eyes fool you
Behind my smile
Is a crying, sad,
And lonely little girl
She tries her best but still is 2 steps behind.
My smile is bright
But it still hides whats inside...
My Poems
PoetryThis is my poems that I write whenever I'm mad, sad, happy, or just feel the need to creat something. It was called "Arts" but I feel that that title didn't fit any more. I really hope you guys get a chance to read this and tell me what you think!