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Lucas got accepted into Yale University as all his hard work and studies paid off. He had to go to New Haven as the campus was located there and George went with him at the start of the first semester to make sure that he wouldn't have any problem there.

He was gong to live in a dorm for all the time he would be there in New Haven and in the semester breaks, he had promised Camille to come back home.

The last time he had talked to Dora was the day she had left for Gotham, after that both had gotten busy in their own lives, not getting time to contact each other except for the occasional texts. But as he unpacked his stuff in his dorm and his eyes landed on the photo album she had given him, he thought of calling her.

He had just dialed the number when the door to his dorm knocked so he had to cut the call. He reluctantly opened the door to see his dorm mate Ashton.

"Hey, Luke, orientation begins in half an hour," he spoke up, "we all have to be at the auditorium early."

"But there's half an hour left..."

"Have you seen the campus, buddy? It will take you to run like Usain Bolt to reach on time if you don't leave now."

He nodded, "fine, just coming."

Deciding to talk to Dora at night, he stowed away the rest of his stuff in the cupboard then stepped out to join Ashton.

The two walked out of the for a and headed towards the auditorium and that's when Luke realized the campus was indeed huge. If they had delayed, it would take them long enough to be unable to reach ten minutes prior to the orientation ceremony.

Fortunately for him, he enjoyed long walks and though his friend Ashton got tired halfway through, Luke kept walking marveling at the beauty of the gardens spreading in the university's premises.

The beautiful beds of carnations reminded him of the church garden in Cranbury, his thoughts flickering back to the chapter of his past that he hadn't dared to open.

There were so many things that he remembered from before he was adopted by George but he tried his best not to let the memories resurface. Because very few of those memories were pleasant.

"I should have brought my camera, this would have made a perfect shot," Luke remarked softly, turning to look at Ashton who had stopped again to catch his breath.

"We should have brought a water bottle instead."

"Oh come on, it's not like we're running all the way up there. We still have fifteen minutes."

He shook his head, straightening up as he joined him, "you walk in really long strides, y'know."

"I'm used to it."

"To walking?"

Luke shrugged slightly, "yeah, anything wrong with that?"

"Nope just that it's unfair you're so chill by this whole prospect of a long walk while I'm panting like I ran a marathon."

A smile threatened to break on his face as he replied, "I bet in a week you'll get used to it too."

"In a week, I'll be looking for a bicycle instead," Ashton remarked though he let out a sigh of relief spotting the auditorium, "finally... Though I still think they should mention in the prospectus that all students should bring their bicycles to campus."

"If you make it to the uni's press society, you could make that suggestion to them and perhaps they will consider it."

The auditorium was slowly filling up with students as the two stepped in.

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