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Lucas had noticed that Steph had not been herself ever since he had been retrieved from Deathstroke's captivity. At first, he thought it was due to the fact that he had lost control when he had gained consciousness and almost hurt her but she had convinced him that wasn't the case.

But if that wasn't the reason to her increasing detachedness and her sorrowful mood, then he could not understand what was the actual reason.

He was also suspicious that there was something wrong with Tim but none of them were telling him anything. Dora had turned extremely silent, Alex didn't have any answer to his questions either and Steph's mood would worsen too if he brought Tim up.

Even though he couldn't understand why they were behaving like that, he had a guess that something bad had happened to Tim.

He was supposed to leave for Bludhaven the next day so he though he might as well pay Steph a visit. Telling Camille that he was going to the Manor, he left the annexe and took the bus to the district where Wayne Manor was located.

He rang the bell and waited, shortly after Alfred opened the door and led him in.

The man asked him kindly if he knew his way to Steph's room and he nodded, climbing the stairs up to the second floor.

The door was locked so he knocked but got no response. Slightly worried, he knocked again a bit louder.

"What is wrong with you people! When I said leave me alone, it means just leave me by myself..."

The door opened revealing a rather angry Stephanie and he stepped back in alarm.

Though seeing it was Luke, she sighed, her head resting against the doorframe wearily.

"I'll come back later," he spoke up, thinking that perhaps she didn't want him there, "I'm sorry."

"No. Come in," she mumbled, her hand closing onto his wrist.

Luke wanted to ask her what was wrong but kept silent, noting that she was in a fragile state at the moment.

She had collapsed on the bed, pulling him down as well, "how are you?"

"Fine, you?"

"Terrible," she breathed, not having the strength to conceal it from him anymore.

He gently held her hand in his, "everything alright?"

"No. But I don't want to talk about it," she replied, "don't ask me anything."

Silence washed over them and he thought about what to say to her next. At last, he spoke up, "I'm going back to Bludhaven tomorrow."

She looked up but her expression was indifferent, "oh. Right."

He felt odd upon seeing her like that and the more he thought about it, the more confused he got.

"I came to say goodbye," he mumbled, eyes observing her closely, "I would have stayed longer but my semester is starting soon."

She nodded, "I see, best of luck."

Luke's hazel eyes were flickering in unease. Steph was behaving very strangely at the moment and he wanted to know why she was doing that.

"I'll miss you," he nestled his head in her neck but felt her stiffen so eventually he pulled apart, pain stabbing through his heart.

He felt as if he should not have gotten closer to her at the moment and perhaps it was really best if she was left alone for some time.

She said nothing in response but her eyes welled up. No matter how hard she tried to keep the tears at bay, a few tears streaked down her face.

Milk And Cardamom | S. Brown ✔Where stories live. Discover now