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Steph and Luke had finally worked things out between them and decided to keep no secrets within them. It took them time but gradually they adjusted.

Steph eventually told him about her being the vigilante Spoiler as well and he realized that Red Robin, the Bat vigilante who had helped him escape by risking his own life, was none other than Tim.

Right then, she had brought him to meet someone and the two stood in front of a cosy little home in West End.

Steph rang the doorbell and stepped back, entwining her fingers through his.

"Still not gonna tell me who this mystery friend of yours is?" He asked, looking down at her with a soft smile.

"You'll see."

The door opened and the woman who had opened up smiled in delight to see them, "Stephanie, sweetie, come in! You've visited after so long."

"Hi Darla," Steph hugged her as the two stepped in.

"Tim didn't come today?"

"No, he was busy," she replied then she introduced the two, "this is Luke, my boyfriend. And Luke, this is Darla, a very good friend of mine."

Darla shook his hand and Luke thought she was the person Steph had wanted him to meet.

"No, I want you to meet someone else," she mumbled to him as she knew what he was thinking.

Darla told them to wait in the living room while she climbed up the stairs, promising to be back shortly.

"So... You're keeping up the suspense for too long, aren't you?" He looked at her and asked, watching her shrug slightly in reply.

"Guilty as charged."

Darla returned with a little girl holding onto her finger whose face lit up with a bright smile upon seeing Steph.

"Stephie!" She had rushed forward into her open arms, her little figure bouncing in excitement, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Fel," Steph hugged her back, "how have you been?"

"Really great. Mum and Dad are going to buy me a pet cat this birthday of mine so I'm more than just great. Absolutely fantastic."

Steph chuckled softly, "of course you are."

The little girl pulled apart, eyes landing on Luke as she held her hand out towards him, "hi."

Luke smiled and shook the offered hand. He noticed that the girl had blonde hair the exact same shade as Steph's and she looked much more like her as compared to Darla.

"You didn't bring Timmy?" The girl turned to her again.

She shook her head, a gentle smile playing upon her lips as she spoke in a soft tone, "no. Felicity, I brought another friend of mine. His name is Lucas but we all call him Luke."

"Nice to meet you, Luke," Felicity chimed in her cheerful voice, brown eyes shining with joy, "I'm Felicity but you can call me Fel."

"Nice to meet you too, Fel," he replied.

The two spent the evening with Felicity and Darla but before night fell, they had to return.

The little girl was sad when they were leaving as she hugged Steph tightly, making her promise to visit again much sooner. "You didn't come here for a whole year, Stephie. I should have been cross at you for that but I let it slide. Now I won't let you go until you promise to visit often."

"Sure thing, princess," she ruffled her head gently, "last year had been kinda rough on me and Tim. But I promise, I'll visit much more often and I'll bring Tim along too."

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