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The darkness was unnervingly haunting as she tried to make sense of where she was at the moment. It looked like Gotham with its dark cobblestoned alleys and the familiar feeling of something sinister lurking in the shadows.

As she walked ahead she stopped all of a sudden, recognizing the flash of orange and black armor, the blood froze in her veins as she looked at her father. 

There was no doubt that the man in front of her was Deathstroke, however, he couldn't see her just then as he was focused onto another dark figure that was covered in black except for its unnatural red eyes.    

It seemed as if the two were discussing something rather secretive for their voices were low and she had to edge closer to listen, despite the fact that she was afraid of getting caught.

She had lived ten years without the fear of her father lingering over her, she didn't want to go back to that time when it was clearly the opposite.

Their voices grew distinct as she focused, catching onto tiny snippets of conversation. But all of a sudden, the shadowy figure talking to Deathstroke melted and the mercenary turned right where she was standing, hazel eyes seemingly locking upon her.

She didn't know whether she was really there or it was just another vision but at that moment, it felt as if Deathstroke had seen her.

It was almost as if the mercenary had seen her eavesdrop on the two and wouldn't hesitate to punish her.

However, before anything of that sort happened, Rose sat up with a jolt. Her forehead was beaded with sweat and her breathing irregular. 

She realized much to her relief that it had been a dream but it felt so real that she could still feel the cold Gotham breeze striking her and the words from her father's voice raking shivers down her spine.

She was engulfed immediately in the familiar pair of strong arms and her hands clutched on to him as if her life depended on it.

Her silver eye was wide open in shock and though her lips had parted to speak, no word escaped her jagged voice.

"Rose, is everything alright?" Jason held her close as he asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

"No... No..." She was shaking slightly, her hands getting colder as she tried to recall the snippets of conversation she had seen in that vision.

He got worried, "did you have a vision?"

"I... I think so..."

"But you said you haven't had any visions ever since I..." He did not complete the sentence, uncertain of whether he should remind her of that time or not.

Though she nodded, knowing full well what he meant, "I didn't... But it felt... It felt so real..."

He gathered her in his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder as he gently ran his fingers through her silvery hair, "it could just be a dream. You don't have to worry."

She kept silent as the words started swirling back in her memory.

That way you get your revenge on the Bats and I get what I want too. All we have to do is strike at them together.

Revenge isn't the only thing I want. I also want my son back.

We can take him, I will help you but you will have to help me in return.

She shuddered and Jason could feel that she was troubled, she was not closing her eye as if afraid she would see the flash of orange and black armor as well as the pooling shadowy figure again.

"Rose, it was just a dream," he spoke in a soothing tone, "it's not going to come true."

"I hope so... I really, really hope it doesn't come true," she had turned to face him, knowing full well that if what she had seen was a vision and if it came true, Jason could also be at risk.

And then her brother would once again be in danger from their father as well. It had been ten years since she had last seen Lucas but at least she had known that he was safe and happy.

However, if what she had seen was a vision, then her brother's safety could be jeopardized as well. She didn't know what her father wanted from him, but one thing was clear that he was going to pursue him and wouldn't rest until he got him back.

"Come on, I'll get you something to eat. I know you will have trouble going to sleep so let's go down to the kitchen," Jay offered, "let me treat you to a midnight feast."

She nodded, letting him scoop her up in his arms gently as he unlocked the door and silently descended the stairs that led down to the kitchen.

"Don't wake Mrs. Hendricks up," she mumbled, "I hadn't told her you were staying over and she won't hesitate to kick you out if she came here."

"Relax, she won't hear a thing," he reassured her as he gently placed her down on the counter, "you forget I was part of of the League for quite some time."

"Don't remind me even."

Being part of the League had made him extremely proficient in stealth; his footsteps were inaudible and when he said Mrs. Hendricks wouldn't hear a thing, he made sure that he made no noise as he searched for the dishes and fixed something to eat for the two of them.

Not long afterwards, a delicious smell wafted through the kitchen and she craned her neck to see what he was cooking.

"Very impatient to eat, are you?" He remarked, a smile spreading on his face as she straightened.

"It smells good."

Stormy eyes sparked as the smile turned into a smirk, hands landing at the counter on either side of her, "does it? And I don't?"

She caught his drift but leaned away, "not now, food first."

"But Rose..." His lips had pursed together into a slight frown, taking in that he had been temporarily rejected. 

His expression made her laugh but she controlled it so that the noise wouldn't wake her landlady up.

She kissed his cheek lightly but gestured him to look after the pot he had placed on the stove, "don't feel so bad now. I haven't rejected you, silly. I just said I am hungry and would rather eat the delicious midnight feast you've prepared for me before we do anything else."

He relaxed, a small smile breaking out on his face, "now that you put it this way, I don't mind."


He pulled apart, fetching a bowl in which he emptied the pasta he had cooked, inserting two forks in it, "so shall we eat here or go up?"

"Up, less risky that way."

"Are you scared of your landlady?" He chuckled, "I thought Rose Wilson could never get scared of anyone."

She had gotten off the counter, helping him clean up the counter, "I am not scared of her, she's just a little bit annoying and I want to avoid that."

He turned to look at her, stormy eyes piercing through her silver iris, "or you could always come back to us, no more annoying landladies."

She sighed, shaking her head slightly, "I've told you so many times, Jason... My answer haven't changed."


"I won't come back to that life," she spoke firmly, making sure that he knew she had taken her decision and wouldn't back off, "no matter what happens."


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