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Stephanie stepped out into the shop area, her green eyes searching for Luke. She was surprised not to see him there because usually it was very easy to spot him as he was taller than most people. But as she walked out, she spotted him bent on one knee, tying up the shoe laces of a four year old boy.

A small smile flickered on his face as the kid thanked him then waved before stepping out with his mother. Luke stood up and turned, hazel eyes lighting up on seeing Stephanie.

"I see now why you're so popular here with all the kids," she remarked, approaching him at last.

"Oh come on," he chuckled lightly, freezing a bit when her hand gently rested on his arm because he wasn't expecting that but the smile returned on his face shortly after, "uh... So what are our plans for today?"

"We've done Aparo park," she thought before listing the places, "you already took pictures from Gotham Tower and West End, we also went to Central Gotham and I guess we could rule out East End because most of the places were damaged in the fire last week."


"So what's left?"

"Robinson Square," he replied, "I had thought of keeping it in the end."

"Why though?" She collected the tray containing a cup of milk and another of cold coffee from the counter, taking Luke to the corner table.

"Because it's a very crowdy place and I didn't want to go there earlier."

"And what changed now?" Green eyes sparkled slightly as she asked, her hand gently entwining through his.

Luke squeezed her hand in his lightly, "now I'm not going alone."

She laughed at that and he looked mesmerized for a second before his smile widened. "Do you know, Luke, I love your smile."

A faint pink dashed on his face, "thanks, I guess?"

She laughed watching the shade deepen. "Why do you get so flustered when you're given compliments?"

"I... Don't know..." He paused, "I just... I feel I don't deserve it."

Her eyes flickered in surprise, "why?"

The smile faded from his face, replaced by a slightly pensive look, "I don't know."

An uncomfortable silence engulfed the two until Steph spoke up, "anyhow, when shall we leave?"

"Whenever you're free."

"Right I'll be back in a moment," she smiled softly, disappearing into the kitchen.

Luke looked down at his hand that she had held seconds earlier, his thoughts drifting to a different track.

He had always thought himself unworthy of a lot of things in life but when he was with Steph, everything felt different.

She made him feel as if he was worth the care and love he received and that truly was a big deal for him because before her coming into his life, he had always thought the complete opposite.

Even though ten years had lapsed since the dreadful times he had spent with his father, there was still a lingering fear that he didn't deserve to be happy and it would all end very soon.

And then recalling the night he had met Deathstroke, he felt that fear deepen.

She returned with her small bag slung over her shoulder containing her camera, shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Shall we?"

"Sure," he followed her out of the shop, gradually easing as she didn't bring up that topic again.

Milk And Cardamom | S. Brown ✔Where stories live. Discover now