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It was the start of another busy yet pleasant day at Dora's Coffee Haunt. The delicious aroma of coffee and cakes had diffused through the entire kitchen and both the Beaumont siblings were getting everything ready before the shop hours started.

Alex had stepped out to unlock the door and check the shop area while Dora was icing the cupcakes that had cooled after she had taken the tray from the oven and put it out for a while. The sound of the bell chiming could be heard clearly and she thought it would either be Susan or Eliza and her brother.

But it was Stephanie instead and her hand slipped as she came in, abruptly hugging her from behind, "wait a second, Steph, let me ice these first."

"I have got something to tell you," she mumbled and Dora turned her head slightly to see Steph's twinkling green eyes and the bright smile on her face.

She understood the situation immediately and a smile played up on her features as well, "oh... Judging by this lovely smile on your face, it's definitely about Luke."

A laugh escaped her as she remarked, "why are you so good at guessing?"

"What can I say? It's a talent," Dora set aside the tray and turned to face her, "but also because I know you and I know Luke. And everyone knows you two are smitten with each other but somehow wouldn't acknowledge it out loud."


She raised an eyebrow, a smile flickering on her features, "go on, you had to tell me something, right?"

"You were right, yes we are both smitten with each other," she finally admitted, her teeth biting her lower lip as if waiting for Dora's reaction.

Brown eyes widened in surprise but the smile didn't falter from her face, "I wasn't expecting you to straight up admit after so long of ignoring my questions, but okay... Now I have a few more guesses."

She nodded, encouraging her to continue while she picked up a cookie from the tray Dora had set beside the cupcakes.

Dora spoke up, "either he told you how he felt towards you or you decided he's never going to take the first step and put him out of his misery."

Steph shook her head, eyes sparkling with amusement, "and what do you mean by putting him out of his misery exactly?"

"Don't tell me you have no idea what I mean... You kissed him, didn't you?"

She paused, green connecting with brown irises, "wow and now even I think Tim is right with his explorer theory."

She laughed, noticing the blush spread on her cheeks, "Stephanie, I never thought I would live to see the day even you would blush like an adorable little cinnamon roll."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically, "why? Did you think I would never find someone who could make me blush?"

"I just hadn't expected it would be someone I knew," she admitted, "but then I get it. Luke is very charming when he wants to be and as far as I can see, he's thoroughly fascinated by you. Besides, you used to make so much fun of me and Tim for blushing and I'm glad to know I can have my payback now."


"Yes," she pinched her cheek affectionately, "it's going to be so much fun."

However, their conversation was interrupted by Tim's familiar voice as he stepped into the kitchen, "did I miss something?"

"Tim!" Dora had flung her arms around him, happy to see him at last as she hugged him and the smile on his face widened.

"Of course now that Tim's here, the romcom reel is going to roll," Alex remarked stepping in as well.

Tim and Dora pulled apart immediately and it made Steph burst out laughing. "Bonus points, Al, for making these two uncomfortable," she spoke up.

"Yeah and do you want me to tell him who's going to be his next target for romcom blaming?" Dora challenged her and she didn't resume further.

Both Alex and Tim paused at that and spoke in unison, "what's going on, Steph?"

"Nothing," Steph smiled sweetly, "nothing whatsoever."

"Hey, I know this look," Tim spoke up, blue eyes widening a little, "this is the characteristic Steph doesn't want us to know that she has a crush on someone. I see this look each time she's watching a Tim Hiddleston movie. Only difference is everyone knows of her admiration for Tom."

Dora added, "yeah and you're not far from the truth."

"Dora, you were going to bake some more cupcakes with me, right?" Steph took her hand, steering her away from Tim then edging closer to her ear, she whispered, "what are you doing? If Tim finds out, our whole family finds out and then I'll have to face all their questioning."

"Stephanie, I can still hear you," Tim remarked, "this is my fifth cup of coffee this morning, all my senses are wide awake."

"Such a shame," Steph remarked, "but this is none of your business. Stay out of it."

Alex took the order from Tyler and looking at the piece of paper, he spoke up, "Steph, your boyfriend's here."

"Wait what?"

Steph looked surprised, Tim slightly shocked and Dora was laughing but Alex resumed his work as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"Boyfriend? When? Who? How do I not know about this?"

"All in good time, Timmy," Dora remarked, "and see Steph, I'm not the only one who's good at guessing."

The paper had the regular order of milk and cardamom scribbled on it which meant Luke was outside.

"You Beaumonts could give detectives a run for their money," Steph added, smiling as she stepped out, "oh and please make sure Tim doesn't mess anything up for me by snitching to the family."

"Don't worry, he won't do anything of that sort," Dora replied, her hand entwined with Tim's, "I'll make sure of that."

Tim turned to look at her, "it seems like you owe me a long explanation."

"I do but it's not the first time you're going to hear it. We did touch up on the topic a little on our phone call."

He shrugged thinking a little about it, "really? I must have forgotten."

"No worries, I will refresh your memory nicely," she remarked, a playful smile breaking out on her features as she reached up to lightly kiss him, "but first, you're going to help me with the cupcakes since Steph literally ditched me right now."

He nodded, "sure, and I remember, no taking trays out of the oven bare handed."

She laughed lightly, "yeah, you learnt your lesson first hand, didn't you?"



Milk And Cardamom | S. Brown ✔Where stories live. Discover now