sociopath [yeonbin]

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"i know what i do isn't right,
but i can't stop what i love to do."


the ending of their story began right when the soft boy couldn't resist his attraction towards a sociopath.


(a/n): first of all,

sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviours. sociopaths can't understand others' feelings. they often make impulsive decisions or break rules without feeling guilty for the harm they cause. they are born in this way (including many charms).

writing about it doesn't mean they are romanticized by the writer. also i hope you won't romanticize it or go like 'so quirky like me.' , 'i'm edgy, salty and hotty like a psycho.' i mean nooo honey this ain't like that.

mind games, manipulations, gaslight, abuses, mental illnesses etc should never be normalized or glorified.

psychopaths and sociopaths are different in cases; e.g: psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of normal life and minimize risks in criminal activities. contrastingly, sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone and unable to lead as much of a normal life and their behaviours aren't as charismatic as they look like.
even though, sociopaths don't have feelings, they still can form personal attachments like obsession and they are less likely to harm those whom they are obsessed with. however psychopaths can't feel attached to anyone and don't hesitate to end someone.

ehe so you might have understood already that this story won't be fluffy and cute yet here's a warning.

warning: contains all of the above things i have mentioned plus murders, violence, suicide; that might be triggering.

anygays, i enjoy writing ship books tho only wrote one that reached higher than my expectations because i have 0 hopes about my works and myself. made me wanna write more so here i go.

(1) the practise of taking someone else's works or ideas and passing them off as one's own is called plagiarism/piracy/copyright infringement. it's a serious ethical offense so please don't.

(2) for some personal reasons, I don't allow translations of my weird works but ily tho.

(3) I'm literally an amateur writer or something, I just write for fun so pls don't expect too much. I hope this fanfiction will reach my expectations though. if you see any grammatical errors, typos or cringe, i'm genuinely sorry. English isn't my first language and I'm still learning and improving and all.

(5) don't hate ily.

(6) love me too or this book or maybe both-

(7) you do know what fan fiction is and how it works so imma skip writing a whole ass definition of fan fiction now hehe.

(8) lotta angst, and might contain sexual scenes idk.

(9) characters will be revealed in further chapters.

Thank you so much
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sociopath [yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now