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love in action is a hard and dreadful thing
compared with love in dreams
                —fyodor dostoeevsky.


read at your own risk.


yeonjun froze as his heart stopped beating, the noxious helplessness of being incapable to save his beloved ones began spreading in him faster than any venoms.

one inspector ran right away to the ground while the other called for the ambulance.

"you can't, you can't." yeonjun chastised his brain to keep working, forced his heart to not give up already, rebuked his long time repressed emotions to not crush him since he still had things to do. only for soobin.

turning back, he was about to run to soobin but taehyun interrupted, "don't move or i'll shoot you."

as if yeonjun was afraid of it, but he couldn't die now, not before having a glimpse of soobin one last time and he knew he was running out of time so an injured leg wouldn't be helpful at this moment.

"you fucking idiot. the killer is none other than choi beomgyu." yeonjun shouted, every cell of him wanted to destroy everyone in the stupid world for doing this to soobin, his blood started boiling after vocalising the name he hated so much.

but taehyun didn't buy it, even though he had a feeling that yeonjun wasn't the main culprit but evidences over his second thoughts and he couldn't afford to turn a blind eye to even the slightest of any proofs about the case that came in sight for the first time, after years. everything was pointing at yeonjun.
he asked, "why was the wat-"

"goddamn it kang. is this the time? i admit that i faked my alibi but the watch- i don't even have time to explain, it's fucking choi beomgyu. go to my hospital's personal on-call room, check the drawer, there is the watch and a nail in a plastic bag, run the dna test and see whether it matches with beomgyu or not. also you'll find some pictures that will reveal the truth. i hired a detective before to spy on beomgyu and he caught beomgyu murdering, but he couldn't save the victim who was already dead and he had nothing to save himself."

confusion and doubts struck taehyun as he eyed the other inspector who got the sign and immediately headed for the hospital where yeonjun worked.

"sir, choi beomgyu recently contacted with someone who arrived from seoul. he just stepped out of his building."

"this late? " yeonjun asked, glancing at the clock, confirming himself that it was three am and he had to perform an operation after some time.

"yes sir, he got in his car. i'm following him....shit- i think he noticed me....he's driving recklessly to get rid of me."

"don't hang up the call! send me the location."

"i just did. he parked his car somewhere near....he is no more in the car...i lost him."

yeonjun didn't delay to speak to the head director that he wouldn't be able to do the surgery with the lie of feeling sick. he got out of the hospital, heading for his car in the parking lot of hospital and drove off in a fast speed.

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