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wish i may, wish i might,
find my one true love tonight
do you think that he could be you?

another cloudy day.

nothing could be better for soobin than enjoying the bearable cold wind that blew his hair into artistic swirls in this season.

he would love to drench in rain, he would be so happy to let the rain touch his skin. upon the sidewalk, he would be a happy butterfly thinking about how he could make his artworks more productive to leave an excellent impression on himself.

but that's not today though.

soobin sighed, holding the bouquet of his lover's favourite flowers known as gerbera daisies and the box of mint chocolate ice cream. he increased his pace, questioning himself how he could forget to bring an umbrella. it was dark everywhere, an isolated night.

thankfully, he reached home before the storm began. keeping the bouquet of flowers on the table, he admired its vivid colors.

"is this your favourite type of flowers because the radiant colours represent my energetic personality? because you surely are the exact opposite of it." soobin mumbled to himself, smiling like a fool until he realized how stupid he was looking and cringed at himself.

placing the ice cream in freezer, he sat on the soft couch comfortably before watching the oak stand firm in every thunderstorm. 

enthusiasm conquered his fear of losing yeonjun. it's going to be their fourth year, being together sharing a valuable bond as tomorrow is the date when yeonjun accepted him all for him. even though there had been a lots of ups and downs in their relationship, soobin's always going to be head over heels for yeonjun. tomorrow is the date back to four years ago when they started their love together.

oh lord, he loves yeonjun so much that he can even turn a blind eye to everything. or is this the drug helping him to sleep peacefully every night while messing up with his brain?

no sooner had the alarm started ringing than he stood up and rescued the strawberry cake from oven.

a grin of satisfaction was plastered on soobin's face as the cake turned out soft and amazing, just like him. 

with all of his love and talent, he frosted and decorated the cake, using strawberries as toppings.

he wanted to do more, to buy gifts for yeonjun, to give more surprises but he didn't get enough time.

the rain stopped and he was done preparing everything. all he had to do was to wait now.

he stared at the clock, tick tock tick tock then without pause it reversed as tock tick tock tick then moments later, it hit twelve o clock.

as soon as he swiped his phone to call yeonjun to ask what's taking him so long, the bell rang.

soobin immediately opened the door to welcome the person he was longing for.

"hey." yeonjun forced a smile on his face that soobin knew very well.

every smile was always forced by him. however, the fact that he tries to smile only for soobin is enough to send soobin on cloud nine.

soobin tried to embrace him but he shrugged and said, "i need to shower first baby."

"oh, alright. i'm waiting." soobin sincerely replied, flashing his real smile for yeonjun to give a peck on his dimple like usual.

he sat on the sofa and observed yeonjun enter into bedroom to refresh.


soobin watched tv series as he was too bored of waiting till yeonjun finally cleaned himself up.

"are you done?" soobin asked, paying his attention on yeonjun who seemed worried, looking for something on the ground.

"i've put your lab coat in the washing machine if that's what you are searching for." soobin said, getting up to go closer to him.

"what...oh?" yeonjun whispered, still tensed up.

"did your surgery go well? there are a lots of blood stains." soobin questioned with curiosity and a relief washed over yeonjun's face.

"hmm it went well." yeonjun answered before adding, "are you in a good mood today?"

a frown appeared on soobin's forehead as he asked, "do you even remember what today is?"

"of course, i do. why do you doubt me?" yeonjun raised his eyebrow, staring intensely at soobin.

"you must be tired then. what took you so long- i mean how was your day junnie?" soobin changed the topic frantically, seeing how yeonjun was getting annoyed.

"well, i had to undergo a life-saving brain operation then was so busy in buying gifts for you that i forgot time. that's why i'm late haha great to know that you don't fucking trust me." yeonjun tried to not shout but his voice managed to sound venomous enough to shiver soobin.

it's not unusual to get into an argument for them and everytime soobin has to calm him down since he's the only solved one here.

"i just asked nevermind. come on, i love you." soobin tightly hugged yeonjun, burying his face on the side of yeonjun's neck. it took a while for yeonjun to hug him back, he cooled down and wrapped his arms around soobin.

"yeonjun, you have to let your fake smiles fade out before the real ones can fade in." soobin advised as yeonjun again tried to smile a little, "do i look so fake? am i making it too obvious that i can't smile beautifully like you, mhmm?"

yeonjun broke the hug and looked at soobin, waiting for a response.

"but your warm hugs are real and i love it."

this wasn't the answer yeonjun was expecting and he understood how slyly soobin avoided his question but he decided to let go this time as he now wore a mask on his face, really pretending to smile genuinely while cooing, "there are gifts in the bedroom for you baby."

soobin's heart skipped a beat as he fell for that smile again, the same one yeonjun showed years ago. it's so hard to identify if it's fake, it's so hard to not give in.

"let's eat first. i made your favorite dishes." soobin cheered up, letting yeonjun take over his lips.

with the kiss came the smooth touch of yeonjun's body, poised just the right blend of relaxation and tension. yeonjun's hands started caressing soobin's neck slowly and gently unlike the last time he fucked him roughly and aggressively.

butterflies disrupted soobin's stomach as he can never be able to resist yeonjun. the desire he has to seduce soobin makes soobin feel so hot. the soft kiss turned into a heated one as now soobin felt electric tingles when yeonjun reached his neck. focusing on yeonjun's lips and never to give up on him were the last thoughts he had before feeling each other.


i hope i don't discontinue it 😩

thank you
take care of yourself and
keep supporting xoxo<3

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