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so i murder love in the night,
watching them fall one by one, they fight
did you think you'll love me too?

"you are late." yeonjun said nonchalantly, scrolling his phone and changing his posture on sofa. 

unlocking the main door, soobin  entered into the house to be greeted by these unplanned words. he removed his favourite black watch whilst answering, "no, you are early today."

"hmm, i guess. how was your day?" yeonjun asked, shifting his tranquil gaze from his phone to soobin.

"they liked my perfume and my marketing ideas, they told me that soon my perfume will take over the trend and thanked me for choosing chemistry, however my low self esteem isn't sure." the melancholic lad answered as a pout made its place on his face.

he should be proud of himself but something, he doesn't know what accurately, but something for real isn't letting him feel good, for no reason.

yeonjun got up to pour drinking water in a glass while saying,"obviously, your talents and works are meant to blow up, trust me. how's your artwork going?"

"strangely awesome, i've not even started properly and it's already crowded with many visitors." soobin answered, taking the glass of water that yeonjun offered him. he drank the water, quenching his thirst before asking in suspicion, "you promoted me to the highers again, right?"

"i barely did, they loved your works. that's why you are becoming successful, baby. you deserve it." yeonjun gave a half lie, entering into the kitchen to serve dinner for themselves.

half truth it is, because soobin's works are surely enchanting enough to pull anyone to him, half lie because oh well, yeonjun did everything he could to promote his works secretly.

obviously, when he said that he would spoil soobin with all of him, he meant it.

surprisingly, yeonjun is, indeed, in a good mood today. soobin facepalmed before getting freshen up meanwhile yeonjun started serving the dinner, thanking to the noises that soobin's empty stomach made just a moment ago, causing him to giggle like a kid in embarrassment which gave yeonjun a good chuckle.

"cute." yeonjun whispered to himself.

the day when soobin approached him with a chocomilkshake, appeared on his mind. he recalled those times where he, for the first time in his life, was insecure of someone. someone who happened to get too close to soobin, yes beomgyu.

yeonjun had always been confident about himself till soobin came. to himself, he might be sometimes too much to deal with, sometimes too incomplete but to outsiders that's pretty much everyone, he is too perfect to be true. how well does he know about that? oh damn. he knows about his so called god complex, he knows how whipped anyone can be for him, very well.

all the time, he had this thing on his mind which was no one could get him. but seems like soobin flipping his mind, now yeonjun isn't sure about this concept anymore. he is so confused, ever since four years.

should i let him get me? yeonjun thought, waiting for soobin to finish his routine so that they could spend quality time with each other.

until, a beep happened.

soobin showed up at dining room, his damp hair perfectly messed up the bangs of his forehead, with an oversized white shirt and comfy trousers. a droplet of water rolling down on his defined jaw caught yeonjun's eyes but those eyes were back to coldness, again.

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