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keep you safe and inspired
baby, let your fantasies unwind
we can do what you want to do

the sound of heavy rain, thunders and chaos of silence were all filling up the car apart of two broken souls. soobin kept hearing the murmers of rain dancing from the roof of the car meanwhile his eyes were blankly staring outside through the window.

it's morning already but without any gleaming disc of the bright sun. big city blues. yeonjun was busy driving, his mind being busier plotting.
stubborn memories of seoul constantly kept draining soobin's mind, sapping his energy.

after monotonous hours of school, soobin walked alone to the bus stop while enjoying the soft pitter patter of rain hitting on his umbrella. even though school could be tiresome and dull sometimes, he still preferred it over home which never felt like a home and all he could wish for was an escape. school was the only way to let himself be relaxed as none would beat the shit out of him there.

he didn't want to go home and be greeted by the sight of his parents stabbing each other with words like daggers or by a random unreasonable slap on his face but he had no other choices left so all he could do was pray for a peaceful time. and the rain happened to be the answer of his desperate prayers.

his eyes peered at a familiar pretty boy standing under the bus stop, protecting himself from the rain. it always used to be only him waiting for the bus here at this time but seeing someone else this time felt strangely good. so he approached him once again, "do you take this bus?"

then he noticed the earbuds in the boy's ears and facepalmed himself mentally as he might not be acknowledged. but to his amazement, the boy answered, "no."

"what are you waiting for then?" soobin asked curiously, this was their second time encountering with each other.

the person didn't bother to reciprocate soobin's gaze, still looking at the sky where gray clouds were spatting raindrops. he looked sad, watching the raindrops as if they were tears of someone close to him.

"just because." he replied and soobin uttered 'alright', not leading the conversation further.

"i was passing by but it started raining, so stopped here." the boy added, shifting his gaze to soobin. soobin snapped his umbrella shut and extended it towards the boy politely, "you can take mine."

"do you have an extra one for yourself?"

"no but i was planning to drench anyways." soobin smiled when he nodded and accepted it ,"thanks, soobin."

"you remember my name?" soobin asked surprised, the way his name sounded from the boy's mouth twisted his stomach ecstatically.

"yeah. do you?"

soobin smiled, replying, "yup, yeonjun." the boy just nodded in response.

taking a few steps back, soobin was once again under the open sky, letting the rain kiss him. he loved it so much, to let the rain wash his worries had always felt heavenly to him. he didn't notice yeonjun watching him nor did he mind that as he was just being himself since it was the only time he could be.

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