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'cause i love you just a little too much,
i love you just a little too much,

"soobin, i'm better than that. i swear, i'm never going to harm you but...." yeonjun breathed in and out, picking one of the sharp and edgy pieces of a broken glass from the ground, he continued, "i don't trust myself."

soobin gulped, holding onto his breath and overthinking yeonjun's movements. he wanted to run away for the first time as he thought yeonjun would do something terrible to him. his breath hitched when blood started oozing from yeonjun's palm, proving him that yeonjun wasn't going to harm him, he chose to harm himself rather.

the thought of running away shattered into million of pieces once yeonjun dropped on his knee, so vulnerable and so sickening.

yeonjun didn't stop gazing straight into soobin's eyes whereas soobin couldn't help looking at him back.

yeonjun's lips curved upwards slightly when the cut had gotten deeper and all his mind screamed was for more, shrilling red like a nonstop siren, the unfamiliar yet so familiar bliss started to wire his brain, adrenaline rushing faster and faster as more and more blood came out.

he broke his eyecontact with soobin to shift his attention on his injured hand whilst using his other hand to grab another piece which was from a broken vase.

the blood vessels in the surface of his eyes ruptured, giving the whites of his eyes a reddish colour.

" i supposed to feel?" yeonjun winced before mumbling to himself, that wasn't for soobin to hear.

"how to react, which emotion should i fake..." yeonjun rested his head back onto the wall, recalling moments.

"mum, what happened to dad?" yeonjun questioned to his mom, after finding himself admitted in a hospital.

he was greeted by white ceilings, white carpets, white bedsheets and white machines which almost blinded his eyes, those eyes that were opened after twenty four hours.

he regained his consciousness after a whole day and saw his mother, caressing his hair sadly yet softly.

no sooner had he got to open his eyes than he pulled the oxygen mask off his face and questioned.

his mother looked at him in confusion for a while before answering, "are you concerned about him, even in this situation?"

some hopes were igniting from her eyes, seeing the fact that yeonjun, perhaps, was normal.

hopes became ashes though, when she heard his response, "brr. i'm worried about his corspe or like is he dead? if he died then it would make you a, it was self defense...anyway, have you buried him properly and destroyed all the evidences?"

her lips were pursed, clearly wasn't expecting him to catch up so soon. at least, his first question could be 'are you fine?' or maybe she was just overthinking.

"i wonder who taught you all these things." mrs.choi whispered, cupping yeonjun's soft, pale and misused cheeks.

"myself. saw those criminal movies and stuffs hehe." he whispered back.

an idea popped in mrs.choi's head as she said, "i've murdered someone, darling. i'll be surrendering myself."

sociopath [yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now