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if i pray really tight,
get into a fake bar fight,
while i'm walking down the evenue

soobin's half opened eyes greeted the daylight, his heart and lungs expanded. feeling two strong arms wrapped around him from the back, he gave a moment to shed the sleepiness from his brain.

waking up next to yeonjun was always like moving from one dream to a better kind but slowly it is turning into one hell of a nightmare.

soobin carefully detached himself away from yeonjun and got up from the bed, picking up his clothes.

he didn't glance at yeonjun because he wouldn't be able to look away if he did.

stepping inside of the bathroom, he eyed at the mirror, observing his reflection for a while. his vision was dragged from his tired eyes to his neck painted with hickeys as he smiled a little, the smile which couldn't help but look sad.

"oh god, do i have stockholm syndrome or am i just overthinking?" he whispered, his fingers running through his hair with frustration and confusion.

he remembers everything yeonjun did to him, all the good and bad.

just like how yeonjun becomes overprotective most of the times, how yeonjun lets his insecurities get the best of him; that action ends up hurting soobin, eventually. sometimes, how he doesn't give a fuck about soobin's emotions. he feels nothing but toxic when he vents his anger on soobin, when he uses harsh words to soobin, when he punishes soobin for petty and trivial matters.

and soobin is aware of that. but how can he forget all the beautiful memories that happened to him because of yeonjun?

like how yeonjun has accepted him and his personality, how yeonjun persuades himself to smile just for soobin no matter how many demons he has to fight with inside of himself, how yeonjun is still holding onto soobin, how yeonjun surprises soobin with cute stuffs, how yeonjun still manages to make soobin feel good even after all those emotional abuses.


he started the cold shower, water pulling him into relaxation as a series of flashbacks started appearing in his mind.

the whole classroom was in a chaos that day. little giggles from teenage girls who were excited to meet the new student with a good looking face, sighs from some boys who were disappointed that it wouldn't be a new girl, random gossips about own businesses etc etc couldn't be heard anymore once the homeroom teacher announced every student to be silenced.

soobin standing in front of the class to introduce himself, glanced at the one quite boy who was scrolling his phone before glancing at others.

"hi,,, i'm choi soobin, your new classmate. i'm not sure about what else to say, hoping to get along,,,i guess." soobin cleared his throat, looking at the teacher and avoiding all the small talks happening among the students about him, to be more specific, about his looks.

soobin has always hated to be perceived by anyone just for his looks. though, he is fully aware of how charming he is!

"the seat beside beomgyu is for you." mr. min declared as the perplexed new boy gazed here and there to find beomgyu.

"here, i'm choi beomgyu!!" an enthusiastic boy waved his hand energetically, smiling broadly at the new guy.

soobin nodded, approaching beomgyu with a smile to return. beomgyu dragged his attention when he had taken his seat, "nice to meet you."

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