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you can see me drinking cherry cola
sweet serial killer, i left a love note
said, you know i love the thrill of the rush
you know i love the thrill of the rush

mrs.choi didn't expect him to go there already as she said,"it isn't. those who lie, those who play with other's feelings, those who are like your dad, and those who break promises,,,stink. now, you don't wanna stink, do you?"

yeonjun widened his eyes in surprise and responded sternly, "neverr. i hate people who stink. can i kill them?"

thereafter, a creepy smile formed on his face that made his mother frown.

"murderers stink too. don't i stink?"

"no way, you don't stink at all because you killed a stinky man. it's cool." yeonjun shrugged off, totally not understanding it.

"listen, darling, it's not cool. it's bad, there's a god above us, always watching us. he will punish those stinky people in the most merciless way, no human can. if you kill them instead, they won't get what they deserve like why would you want to help them? supporting or killing stinky people make you one of them as well."

even though yeonjun's mother never believed in god, but she found it the only way to save his son, to teach him moral values.

when they were in hospital, yeonjun's mum secretly ran a test on yeonjun and when the reports came, she was a little bit grateful.

yeonjun has psychopathic genes, lesser than half percentage so there might be a possibility, a hope, to secure him.

"always keep this pocket dictionary with you, hmm? and know about the highlighted words more and more, positively. now, let's learn how to mirror emotions." she said, switching on the tv.

it was really surprising to yeonjun, mirroring emotions, what possibly it could be.

"what's that?"

"you know, darling, you are a genius but, you need to have more empathy in yourself. you need to own the ability of understanding another. we will learn how, where, when, why and which emotion we should show."

yeonjun's eyebrows furrowed, feeling odd as his mood dropped and face darkened,

"mum, i've never seen others doing this, at least not kids of my age. am i not normal?"

clever- she thought. holding his hand in hers, she replied, "i won't lie to you because i love you. haven't you noticed? you're faster than the kids of your age darling. you told me before that others looking at you with a different gaze than usual annoys you? in a society, one can't tolerate someone who doesn't blend in, honey. if you try to be like others-"

"so i'm not allowed to show myself because they will hate me just for me being myself? and i can't allow myself to show how i feel because i'm different? that's awful." yeonjun scratched his neck aggressively out of frustration, cringing his hand away from his mother's.

sociopath [yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now