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sneak up on you really quiet
whisper "am i what your heart desires?"
i could be your ingenue.

never had he ever imagined that his father would be calling him the first time after all these years, after cutting ties with him, and that too at this hour. there's something definitely wrong; he could sense it. howbeit, what happened next was more unfair than his life itself.

"hello? is that choi soobin?"

"yeah. but who are you?" soobin frowned, hearing someone else's voice made him recheck the caller id.

"it's taehyun...your dad-"


soobin rushed to the hospital, leaving yeonjun alone in the hospital parking lot to park the car. he didn't even acknowledge yeonjun in this situation as he ran to the main hall and approached the medical receptionist. taehyun was already there, waiting for him so that he could find them easily.

the investigator who had been narrating important theories to taehyun paused since he was told to stop. noticing soobin's presence, taehyun walked to him and got his attention.

"where's my dad?" soobin looked at taehyun, tears streaming down from his eyes. taehyun tried hard to choose the right words but soobin persuading him to answer quickly made him sigh. "his body is kept in the morgue."

yeonjun whose eyes were desperately searching for soobin, caught them as he dragged himself to their direction.
"are you sure that it's soobin's father?" he asked.

"we found his phone where he was found dead, the favourite contact there...led us to contact you." taehyun answered, showing a plastic bag containing the phone, then a fresh picture of the man.

all the leftover hopes in soobin were smashed after the confirmation, "i need to see him."
yeonjun held his hand protectively, staying silent. taehyun was also very busy finding words to console soobin.

"can't you hear me? let me see him!" soobin frantically shouted, removing his hand from yeonjun's. taehyun replied, "his body is severely damaged...it's really a gruesome death, you shouldn't-"

"i shouldn't what? see my own father?!?" soobin cried out, not caring about the unstoppable tears anymore. he has had enough now.
taehyun didn't look so sure if he should let soobin encounter with the deadbody as it might break him more and more. yeonjun understood taehyun's situation and held soobin's arm to stop him going.

"soob, please calm down. i also think you shouldn't-"

"oh please? let me go." soobin yelled angrily, the first time he raised his voice on yeonjun but who cares about that anyways.

yeonjun wrapped his arms around soobin who's shaking pitifully, to comfort him. maybe it worked as soobin's unsteady breaths calmed down a bit and his body started trembling less. taehyun sighed in relief as soobin's panic attack bettered by now.

even though his father was never a good father and he himself never loved his father for that; both kept sending resentments to each other but still death wasn't something any of the two would wish for one another.

soobin broke the hug weakly then after a while, taehyun took them to the outpatient department to discuss urgent matters where different pair of eyes wouldn't be staring at them.

"are you okay now? we don't need to do this right now, i think you need rest." yeonjun asked soobin, giving him a bottle of mineral water. soobin just shrugged off and ignored him in response before paying his attention to taehyun, "what happened? why my dad? how?"

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