chapter 3

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"Okay let's start Malfoy" you looked at him right in his grey sparkle eyes.

"My name is Draco actually, don't call me Malfoy!" He got angry and clenched his fist.

"Okay Draco. Have you ever made a Dragon Tonic?" You flipped by the book.

"Nope Riddle" he said and sighed.

"It's y/n, if you need to know" you rolled your eyes and found the page where Dragon Tonic were.

You started to read and then you found the ingredients in Snape's classroom. After a while the lesson ended and you walked up to your room.

"Hello!" Hermione knocked on the door which was open. She walked in.

"Oh hi Hermione!" You said while you put your book into the bookshelf.

"I just wonder if you want to join me and Harry to hogsmeade after school?" She smiled.

"Oh sorry, I have quidditch practice before dinner. But if I didn't I would join" you looked disappointed.

"Okay bye y/n!" She waved her hand and walked out.

After all lessons you change to your quidditch outfit and took your broom to the lesson. Pansy and other students from slytherin was there and looked at the lesson. You were chaser.

"Okay now on you positions" mrs Hooch said and started the game.

The game started and you got the quaffle and passed it to Blaise. Blaise got it and tried to shoot but he missed and you got it and shot.

"GOAL!!!" Mrs Hooch shout. After a while the practice was over and you went back to your dorm.

Malfoy is his surnameWhere stories live. Discover now