19 - Directions

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"Why didn't you take a right back there?" I yelled.

"I did take a right" said Wat, puzzled.

"I meant the other right"

"Sorry. I didn't know you wanted me to take a right, not a right"

"Is there a C-turn around here somewhere"


"Correction turn"

"What? It's called a U-turn"

"What does U even stand for? That makes no sense"

"It's not an abbreviation. It's named after the... No wonder you didn't pass your driver's test"

"I'll have you know I would have passed with flying colours had my lenses not dried up the day of the exam"

"Please, Fong told me the instructor fled from the car at the end of the test and resigned immediately"

"Fong tends to exaggerate. He's a doctor. If he doesn't make things sound more serious than they actually are, no one would take their medicines on time"

"I'm assuming you don't go to doctors much"

"I've never had to, touchwood. That's exactly why I sent Fong to med school. For proper healthcare in my old age."

"I'm blown away by how far ahead you've thought things through"

"You missed the other right turn again"

"It's called left, Tine. There are different names for each direction"

"Really? I just call them right, the other right, straight ahead and we left it behind"

"Crystal clear as always. Geriatric healthcare you'll plan forty years in advance. Immediate directions you will give after we have already passed the place thrice."

I checked my phone again for the route. I normally took a taxi, but since I was riding with Wat, I had offered to navigate while he drove.

"Okay, we need to take a left up ahead and then another left and then a right - wait... My bad, my phone went landscape. Sorry. I meant a right up ahead... No, wait- it's a left..."

Wat pulled over and stretched his hand to me. I shook it, not sure what he was expecting.

"I meant give me the phone" he explained patiently.

I handed him my phone, my ears turning red from embarrassment. Wat chuckled at my expression.

"Just so you know, you're not allowed to be this cute when you're not with me" he said, his eyes on the map.

I scoffed and blushed some more.

"As someone whose days are numbered (like literally, we are on Day T minus twelve today), I reserve the right to be as cute as I can, whenever I can, with or without effort (95% without). Terms & conditions don't apply" I rattled off.

"Then I'll just have to make sure I'm always with you" said Wat, and put the car into gear again. I immediately looked out the window.

Wat driving was my kryptonite. Wat driving while wearing those sunglasses of his and looking as hot as he did was killing me slowly and painfully.

We reached our destination without any more hiccups.

I jumped out and stretched my legs. As always when I came to visit Mae, a sense of peaceful calm settled on me.

I led Wat to Mae's memorial plaque. I replaced the wilted flowers in the vase from my last visit with fresh ones.

I lit a rose scented candle. They were her favourite flowers, but didn't have the same longevity as the carnations I usually bought for her.

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