↳ Episode Two

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guess who's back~


I was done waiting around for Y/n to come back. I decided that it was time to hit the bar and move on.

"Are you my phone? Cuz' I wanna be on you all day, all night," I flirted with a girl. She bared extreme resemblance to Y/n.

I distinctly remembered Y/n's response when I had asked her the same thing when I first met her, "It's a shame that you're too blind to see that I'm not an electronic device... Hopefully you can find your phone."

That night in the past, I bought her free drinks, and even though my pickup line didn't work on her, we still hit it off and became great friends. Within a few months, we became something special to each other.

This night I just wanted to forget about her. It was time for me to be loved by someone who could actually be around. Soon enough I found myself taking a drunk Y/n look-alike home.

Although this look-alike ultimately seemed interested in me, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do that to Y/n. I should've been happy that she was making a name for herself. She taught me how to be loyal.

After dropping home the unfamiliar girl, I came to wander the streets of Seoul, reflecting on what I was about to have done to the one I knew I could never forget.


I awoke to the sound of TV chatter from outside my room. Walking out of the hallway and to the kitchen, I found Lilia crying while eating her lunch, left over macaroni and cheese.

"Lia, are you... okay?"
She wiped her cheeks swiftly before pausing the movie and smiling awkwardly, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine... Um.. Good morning," she replied.

I forced a small laugh, moving towards the fridge. Without looking up, I asked her, "What movie are you watching?"

"Well... I'm re-watching this movie called Fallen Angel. It's directed by the same woman that directed Shy Flirting. Fallen Angel's an anime type of movie."

Grabbing an orange juice, I shut the fridge and turned to her, shrugging, "Never heard of her or the movie. Sounds pretty angsty."

She put a finger to her chin, "Well.. I mean.. Why don't we watch it together? It's a romance drama, but I won't force you to watch something if you don't want to."

"Synopsis please?" I asked, sitting at the table next to her.

"There's this guy and this girl who get married due to their parents being close friends, but essentially he treats her like crap. He's such a terrible husband, but they can't divorce or anything or else the girl and her family end up completely broke."

I shrugged, not exactly knowing what to do or say next. I expected there to be an awkward silence, but Lilia then began to speak again, "I was honestly very surprised when you had said that your girlfriend's name was Eunbi. And your birth name is Seungmin, so I'm sorry that it's been awkward between us because in this movie, the guy's name is Seungmin and the girl's name is Eunbi."

I laughed slightly, playing with the label of my orange juice bottle, "Could be an alternate universe... Because Eunbi was the one who treated me like crap." Her eyebrows drew a bit, "But you got kicked out of her place."

"Because she was using me for money and I didn't want to be used anymore. I did everything to keep her happy and with me, but as soon as I said I wasn't going to put up with her crap anymore, she kicked me out. Had my bags packed and everything."

She muttered a soft, "Oh" before the room was filled with that awkward silence I had been anticipating moments before. "Yeah," I cracked a small smile. "Well... I'll watch the movie with you." Lilia's eyes twinkled a bit, obviously happy that I decided to join her. Towards the ending scene, Lilia was in tears and I felt like crap. That whole movie was an emotional rollercoaster. I could tell why there were so many good reviews.

Suddenly, Castle J slammed open the front door. Come to think of it... he had been out nearly all night. "Lilia?" his voice resounded throughout the house. Drying her tears, Lilia got up and met her older brother at the door, "Yeah, oppa?"

"Um," he said, a bit breathlessly, as though he had run a mile. He licked his lips and looked around, "Is Hae-mee home?" The younger sibling shook her head, "No, she went out with Minjae. Why? What's wrong?" He nodded and looked the girl in the eyes, "Look.. Dad's... he's... he wants to see me."


Happy Belated Birthday to our sunshine baby, Bic :)

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