↳ Episode Four

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I rubbed my eyes and blinked before putting on my glasses. Walking past Hae-mee's room after washing my face and brushing my teeth, I popped my head in to see what she was up to.


Papers were already scattered across her floor, but she still placed another stack out from a box.

"Good morning," she signed.

"What're you up to..?" I asked, walking in.

She signed with her hands, "I want to know who my dad is. I remember Dad saying that Mom cheated with one of her clients... I just need to know."

"Ah, I see, but.. why now?" I asked.

"This quarantine is making me curious to know. Plus I have nothing better to do," Hae-mee signed, returning back to her search.

Soon I found myself crouching over her, discovering things we hadn't known about our Mom until then.

"Wow. Mom told us that she was a manager, but look at this Eonnie," she signed, lifting a paper to me.

"Son Yejin, assistant manager at Top Media Entertainment. It says here that she worked over Up10tion and Baekpo for a while. So... Mom worked with celebrities and never even told us?? OH MY GOD, HAE, YOUR DAD COULD BE.. YOU COULD BE RELATED TO A KPOP IDOL!"

She nodded awkwardly, sifting through the box again, searching for more clues. The answers were summed up by a single photograph. "Maybe...."

A woman with dark brown shoulder-length hair smiled at us, hugging a guy who's face was covered by his palms. We could only see a glimpse of his happy smile.

"Mom," she whispered. "My appa..."

She flipped the picture over.

"Kim Rockhyun..."

"We have a name, but we can't go out with corona-"

"CORONAVIRUS!" Castle J screamed right on time. "MY BABY WIN CAUGHT CORONA!"




Coughing, my phone began to ring. I cleared my throat only to burst into hacking fits. My body ached with slight pain.

"Hello?" I picked up after settling down a bit. I coughed again.

"Junhyuk?" her sweet voice filled my ears, like a melody to a song. Even though I was in pain and sick, I still loved her calling my name. I wanted to see her, yet I knew I couldn't in order to keep her healthy.

"Ah. Lilia?" I cleared my throat again.

"Look outside," she sang softly. Through my open window, I peered out to see a car parked out on the curb, parallel to my front door.

"What are you-"

Before I knew it, with a mask on and face shield, Lilia hopped out from the front passenger's seat with a basket brimming with supplies and placed it down at my front door step.. She looked up at my window.

I coughed a slight thank you.

"My girlfriend is so thoughtful!" I exclaimed before wiping my runny nose with a tissue.

"Actually, it was Hae-mee's idea to bring you stuff. I'll probably come back every week. Sungjun just doesn't want his precious baby sister to get sick," she smiled, still looking up at my window. "Get well soon, okay Junhyuk-ah?"

"Yes, I will," I said confidently. Seeing her face gave me a burst of energy. "I love you."

"I love you too," she said softly through the line. I hung up and coughed, waving a hand out my window. She waved back and the car honked it's horn twice, causing her to hurry into the passenger's side.

Coughing, I made my way downstairs and opened the door as the car drove off. Picking up the basket, I eyed a note attached to the handle.

I tugged it off the string it was connected to and read, "They ran out of toilet paper. Idk why... but at least we got a lot of stuff for you and your family, and we'll bring you more next week.

~P.s. those condoms and pads are for your Mom and dad.... who knows what they could be doing while on quarantine... Tell them I said Hi!

-Hae-mee/Rina <3"

I began to laugh at the condom bit, nearly running out of air as I laughed loudly, dropping to the floor with laughter as to how serious she seemed.

"Ah, I love you too, Son Hae-mee," I shook my head with a smile.

Lilia continued to come back every week after that, and Hae-mee would always write notes that made me laugh.

I sometime even got notes from Castle J-hyung even though we texted.... A LOT.

Nevertheless, I'm glad that I had them. Within a few weeks, I was tested negative, and shortly after, so were my parents.

A/n: Been a while 🙃

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