↳ Episode Four

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Your queasiness would not go away or settle down since you woke up that day. You didn't have the guts to tell your siblings what was going on behind literal closed doors.

What if they'd hate you?
What if they wouldn't believe you?

"Water," Sungjun said, handing you a glass, "drink."
"Thanks," you whispered, trying not to wake your Dad.

Lilia was already at school for a meeting with the student council about the next student fundraiser.

Your mind drifted, and when you put down the glass, you saw your brother still staring at you. "Yes?"

He smacked the side of your face. "Ow," you said a bit loud.

"You better tell me what the he......ck is going on here. Queasiness is usually caused by stress. Is Minjae not talking to you again? Or DiD hE aSk YoU oUt???"

You pushed away his face and laughed. "Did you brush your teeth, oppa?"

"Yes I did!" He turned his eyes to the floor and drew his eyebrows together. "Oh wait. No I didn't.."

He turned his attention back to you. "Nevertheless, tell me what's going on. I promise I don't judge. I'm your older brother and I care about you, hm? So just tell me when you're ready- or if I need to call the boys to do some dirty work. I mean.. I can talk to the person."

You laughed again but became quiet when you saw your Dad enter. You tried to play it cool.

"You're overreacting, oppa. I'll be fine. Now I have to go," you said, hugging him. He kissed your head and rubbed your back.

"Whenever you're ready, okay?" he said, meeting your eyes. You nodded, though you'll never really be ready.

You two pulled apart when your Dad poured a cup of coffee for himself. "What about my hug?" he asked.

Slowly you made your way to him and hugged him awkwardly. He kissed you against your forehead, almost causing you to break into tears. Shivers ran down your spine as you thought that maybe there was another cause to your queasiness other than you being stressed.

"Bye Dad."


"Mornin," MInjae chirped, ruffling your hair, which was still at the length of your chest.

"Good morning," you replied back, resisting the urge to cry, He slung his arm around your neck as the two of you began to walk to the bus stop.
"How's your queasiness? Did it go away yet?"

You shrugged, but you felt kind of better now that you left the house.
Minjae laughed, "Just don't puke on me later."

You smacked the side of his face.

"Owww," he fake cried. You laughed and he pulled you closer.

"Hey Minjae..."

He gave you a side glance. "Yes?"

"I love you. You know that right?" you asked, eyes facing the floor.

He laughed aloud and ruffled your head again. "Where's this coming from?"
You shook your head. You never really told him that often.

"Just wanted to make sure you knew," you said, kissing his cheek.
He turned a shade of red, turning away from your sight.

"Awww is my Cherry Bear blushing?" you teased.
"Shut up," he said, turning back to you.

"Hae-mee, I-"

"Can we stop by the pharmacy real quick? I need to pick up something."

Dejected, he sighed, "This better not take too long. We still have to take the bus."
You put a hand over your heart and promised it wouldn't.

You quickly entered and wandered down the feminine hygiene section upon finding a pregnancy test. You gulped back tears and made your way to the front counter.

"Hello," she smiled. "You look a little young to be buying a test like this.."

"Oh.. yes, my mother, she's a little dizzy and she thinks she's pregnant again, so she sent me out to buy a test for her," I lied.

"Oh, best of luck!" she smiled. I smiled back.

"10,000 ₩ please."

You handed her the money and turned, bowing, when you bumped into a boy, dropping your bag. "Oh sorry.." you picked up your bag and exited.

"Ooh did your monthly come, Son Hae-mee?" Minjae teased.

"Shut upppp," you groaned, stuffing the item into your BT21 bag.

As the two of you found a spot in the public bus, you looked out the window and saw a boy running across the crosswalk- the same boy you saw moments before.

You never had an intention to catch his name until you realized your earring was missing- one from the pair your Mom had given you before she committed suicide.

But unfortunately, fate always wanted to make your life harder, and three years later, you never got your earring back, and you never saw the boy again.

....Or Did you?

Hello! Mizu here <3
Ooh someone newww

Who ya'll think it was?
I really think it's Eric Nam-

Well anyways it's honestly pretty obvious who it is so like ahaha
I mean.. it IS an MCND fanfic, right?

So it WOULDN'T be anyone BUT MCND, right?

Who knows if they even ever met again though. Oh wait I do >.<

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