↳Episode Seven (Season Finale)↲

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Instead of you and Junhyuk hanging out, it turned out to be a hangout between him and our brother. For the most part, they were talking about music and Sungjun was asking for Win's opinions.

You sighed, becoming sleepy, but like a child, you didn't want to leave, so you curled up in the armchair and began to doze off. After a while, you felt your head lift up from its rested position, only to be placed back down onto a soft pillow.

You opened your eyes slightly to see your older brother putting a blanket around you.

"Oppa," you slightly mumbled.

"I'm gonna run to the store real quick. Want anything?"
You signed back, "I want a boyfriend, a gallon of ice-cream, and a pool filled with money."


You slapped his face and signed again, "And I want 10 copies of each Day6 album that ever exists."

He pinched your face, instantly waking you up. You held back the urge to cry out in pain, but just as you sat yourself up, he farted in your face and began laughing.

A look of disgust crept its way onto your face.
He just continued to laugh as you inhaled the 'toxic' gas.
You shook your head, covering your nose with the blanket.

He finally eased down, "You should've seen the look on your face... Priceless."
Rubbing your head, he smiled and continued, "If you need anything, Lilia's in her room. See you in a bit," he said, pecking your lips softly.

You nodded and fixed your hair as he exited.

You gasped, remembering that you and Win were supposed to hang out, but you had dozed off. You texted his phone, but heard it chime in Lilia's room.

You got up to knock on the door and ask about him, when you heard Lilia's voice speak. You pressed your ear against the door and listened in.

"Do you like my sister?"

"Lilia, no. Stop being so insecure. I told you before. We're just friends."

"It's just-"

"We're just friends, Lia," he interrupted. "besides... You were the only person I felt that way about. But... yeah."

"J-jun... do you think..."


"Do you think we could go back to how we were before?"

Your heart broke. It felt as though history was repeating itself.

"Because... I still love you," she said.
"I don't care."

Time seemed to stop, yet the clock in your sister's room continued to tick.

"I don't care Lilia. About what you do for your sister, or how you make money to help her. The fact that you love your sister and care about her enough to let go of me, something you love...

I think it makes me proud to call you my girlfriend."

Your heart felt as though it stopped beating Your throat became dry, but you still felt like screaming. Your eyes filled with tears. If you went in there and did what you did to Jaemi and Minjae that day three years ago, Win might not want to be friends with you anymore.

Slowly, you creaked the door open to find Lilia harbored in Junhyuk's arms.

They pulled away quickly. "Hae-mee," Lilia said awkwardly.

You signed with your hands, "You guys kept this a secret..? Why? I don't want to be alone again-" Win tried to intercept, "H-hae-mee-" "I thought you wanted to be my music? All I hear is nails on a chalkboard..."

Your face was wet with tears as you took in deep breaths.

Minjae pushed past you, running after Jaemi. You were left alone in the classroom.

A tear fell from your eye.

"Hae-mee wait!" they yelled, running after you. The pitter-patter of the rain began to fill your ears, drowning out their yells for you.

Win attempted aegyo with carrots while at the store. "Aish, I can't do it." You both laughed.

Looking back, you realized you had lost them. You slowed your pace, but just your luck, it began to pour. "It was just good weather," you thought to yourself.

You began to step through the crosswalk, which was beginning to collect puddles, and headed towards an awning to a building.

You made a run for it, but consequently, you bumped into a tall person, causing their phone to fall onto the pavement, screen first.

"Aish..! My phone!" he yelled.

You gasped at what you had down and bowed continuously, signing that you were sorry. The rain proceeded to fall onto the both of you as you looked up at the guy.


You examined his features. It had been a while since you last saw him. His hair was cherry pink, but back then it was black.







Mizu here <3


He'S bAcK oH No.. WhAt tO dO

.....What did you guys think 👀

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