↳ Episode Three

37 5 2

Double update?



"Why now?" I asked him as soon as I saw him sitting there with a huge, sickening grin on his face. "Really, son? No 'hello' or how're you 'holding up, dad?' Man, that hurts," he frowned. I sat down in front of him, eyes dead seat on the man who I once knew as my father. "Answer my question," I spoke hollowly.

"Because I miss my children, of course," he sighed. "I miss you and Lia." I shook my head, "There's some other reason why you wanted to see me, sir. I might not know what your intentions are, but I know one thing is for sure," I said before leaning forward. "You're going to rot in jail for the rest of your disgusting life. You're never seeing Lilia or Hae-mee ever again," I spat out before leaning back in my chair.

"Oh come on. You're still stuck on that Hae-mee thing? She was asking for it," he shrugged. I glared at him silently. My blood was boiling.

"She asked for it?" I raised my voice just a bit. "You bastard, she was thirteen! You robbed her of her childhood!" I clenched my fist, trying to refrain from yelling or punching this worthless man. "You're the reason why she didn't speak for two years. The reason why I'm raising this family on my own. All because you're a sick man."

What he said next caused me to freeze. He leaned closer to me over the table, his rancid breath hitting my face, "You're still my son. You even have my short temper-" I shook my head, interrupting him, "Don't compare me to you." He whispered, continuing, "And if you have my temper.."

"Stop it," I spoke softly, gripping the end of my shirt tightly, my knuckles turning white as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"You must have a feeling every time you see her, huh, Jun? You're just like me. You call me the sick one, but what if you too are sick?" He said, a bit of a laugh in his voice. My eyes fluttered open and I growled, holding back. "Shut up. She's my little sister."

"Half," he sang softly. "Oh, which reminds me, did she ever find that son of a bitch that knocked up your mom?" I scowled, "It's none of your business."

He smiled, "Son Hae-mee. I just know she'll get hot in her twenties. She kind of reminds me of your whore of a mother."

My eyebrows drew together, "Mom wasn't a whore. She just made a little mistake." He scoffed, "A little mistake? She went around and banged that bastard while we thought she was working. And I'm sure Hae-mee will pick up that trait too, being a whore. A slut. A bitch."

"Shut up already," I trembled with anger, looking down at my balled up fist. I prayed to the heavens for me not to lose my composure. He tilted his head and rested his cheek against his hand, "Why, my dear boy? Are you a victim of Hae-mee's too? The way she talked, sang in the shower- Oh! You know, I used to peek in on her too-"

I got up without a word and began to walk away. Punching him wasn't worth it. I didn't have a bad temper like him. I wasn't like him at all. Exiting, his voice followed me, "You're still my son, Jun!" he cackled. I shivered, pushing him out of my mind the best I could.

I got in the car and shoved the key into the ignition, sighing with both hands rested in my lap. I looked at my fists and let them relax after having tensed them up back inside the building of nightmares. Tears filled my eyes and I let out an angry yell, releasing the feelings I had been holding up.

"You must have a feeling everytime you see her, huh, Jun? You're just like me. You call me the sick one, but what if you too are sick?"

"You sick bastard," I sobbed, choking on my tears, "She's my little sister! I love Hae-mee and I'll do whatever the hell I need to in order to protect her from people like you!"


You stood, staring down at the headstone with a weary being. SEO MINWOO it read. "I found you, but I'm too late," you thought to yourself. You heard a series of soft footsteps make their way behind you, causing you to turn around. You scanned the faces of the men- they were all good looking as though they were idols. Your eyes fell on a familiar face. It was Rockhyun.

"Guys," Rockhyun spoke softly, "This is Hae-mee," he cleared his throat, "Minwoo's first and only child." The guy behind Rockhyun smiled, "I'm Hyukjin." Rockhyun pointed to another man, then the man beside him, "Chanyong and Jonghwan."

"So... that baby back then was you, huh..? Yeijin-noona and Minwoo-hyung were really nasty then.. Probably did it in the closet in the practice room," Jonghwan shivered, causing Rockhyun to poke his side. "Um... Appa... What was my Appa like?" you asked politely, paying no mind to the mention of your deceased parents.

"He was... kind of like.. a father to our group, since he was the oldest," Hyukjin smiled with pain visible in his eyes. Rockhyun nodded, adding, "He would always raise our spirits whenever we would never get a win."

Chanyong laughed softly, tears forming slightly in the corner of his eyes, "Minwoo used to go and find fast food trucks with me, even at 12am." Jonghwan finished off with small cracks in his voice, "He was... an idiot... He should've taken better care of himself rather than worry so much about us... But that was your Appa, Hae-mee... Self-less... a light... a father... He was just.. Seo Minwoo."

You nodded slightly, knowing you would never get to witness what he was truly like. You could only trust what others would tell you about him.

Hyukjin stifled a laugh, "His heart was always big and full of love for everyone... Maybe all that love is what killed him... Nevertheless," he said, placing a hand on your head before pulling you in for a hug. The man smelled of Lilac. You were close to taking a large sniff of his scent, but he continued speaking, "Minwoo was a great guy... And he probably wouldn't like you standing over his grave feeling depressed."

The three others nodded and hugged you to encourage you to keep your spirits high. "Thank you," you said softly, and the rest of that afternoon you spent with your 'uncles'.


WELL- that was that chapter lol.

Be honest, did you guys miss my updates of this book?

I missed you all, my churratoes :)

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