The Reason for the Chaos

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Sure as the sun rises Lyra's son Erik rose at 7 am. He jumped up in the back seat scaring Bucky (which is not an easy feat) and making him jump a bit. 

"Kid, don't do that again. You want to give a 100 year old man a heart attack."

"Who are you?" Erik asks.

"Bucky, we met last night. I was your dad's friend."

"Daddy's dead."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I came. To protect you and mommy."

"Why is your hand metal?"

"Wow, um well, I tell you what let's get some breakfast and then we can discuss that" (He had no intention of explaining it.)

Bucky gently shook Lyra until she woke up.

"Hey sleeping beauty, you snore a bit."

"Huh, what... Oh right, yeah,  Luke told me that before. He snored so much worse I'm surprised he could hear me. Sorry what... are we there?"

"Almost. I thought we'd stop at this little diner. I was told that we have to get waffles before we get to the cabin since we won't get to venture out for a little while."

Erik hollers "Waffles!"

Bucky smiles as he looks at Lyra. He pulls into a diner and tells Lyra and Erik to wait in the car while he goes to check things out. 

"Hey baby, did you sleep okay?" Lyra asks Erik. 

"Okay my neck was weird but I'm okay. Why are we going on this trip, mommy?"

"Because we have some bad people that took your daddy are trying to take us now, but daddy's friends Bucky and Captain America are protecting us."

"So Bucky is okay then?" 

"Yes, baby. Bucky would never hurt us."

She reaches in the back and hugs her little boy, pulling him in her lap so she can hold him. This is one of the best feelings in the world to her. The comfort from the unconditional love of your child.

Bucky comes back and opens her door: "Everything looks good. Sam is going to meet us at the cabin in a couple of hours. He said it doesn't look like we were followed." He looks at the mother and son holding each other and offers to carry little Erik inside: "Hey buddy you want a lift inside?"

"Okay, but can I touch your metal arm?" Erik asks him.

Bucky laughs and says: "Sure kid"

Lyra smiles. 

I'm glad for something to keep him occupied while we are running for our lives. Bucky seems to be really good with him. Nothing sexier than a man who is good with children. 

She turns pink for a minute as she tries to shake the thought from her mind. 

The find a booth at the back of the diner so that Bucky can sit facing the door. Erik enjoys his waffles and Lyra orders some eggs and toast with a side of bacon. Bucky has the full breakfast eggs, ham, toast, and some biscuits with gravy. 

"I didn't think you yanks liked your biscuits with gravy?" Lyra says jokingly. 

"This yank (he says with a bit of annoyance) has been frozen off and on for decades. I didn't get to eat much so when the opportunity arises to eat great food I take it. Biscuits and gravy is a true delight and I love to enjoy it now." Just then Lyra heard a slight buzzing coming from Bucky's ear and she realized it was his communication device to Sam. "Ow, okay, okay. Sam insists I mention, that he showed me the true culinary greatness of the South. "

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